Compliance Actions - Meat Safety
Compliance/Disciplinary Actions are taken by regulatory authorities in response to a violation of the law or rules. Different kinds of actions can be taken depending on the severity of the offense, the history of previous violations, efforts made to correct the violation, the harm to the victims, the likelihood of a repeat violation, and other matters related to each particular case. These actions are taken to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Texas.
Access the linked PDF file below to view the current list of compliance actions. For more information, call our office at 512-834-6665.
Current Disciplinary Actions - Meat Safety Program (PDF)
Meat Safety 2023 Year End Report
Get in Touch with Us for Compliance Questions or Concerns:
Ademola Olufemi
Phone Number: 737-218-7074
Email Address:
How to File a Complaint
Use the contact information listed below to direct you to the right department to process your complaint.
To allow us to process your complaint as quickly as possible, please provide all available information concerning:
The person, business, or product involved.
The full address and/or location.
A complete description of the complaint (who, what, when, where, why, how, etc.) and any product information available such as name of product, manufacturer, address, date of manufacture, lot number, amount of product, etc. (if applicable).
Contact information (if available) of the person, business or product you are filing the complaint against.
If possible, the person filing the complaint should provide their contact information in case we need additional information for our investigation.
You can also view the notice form and view the information flyer for federal whistleblower rights and reprisal protection.
How to File a Complaint
Phone Number:
512-834-6760Fax Number:
512-206-2775Email Address(es):
Meat.Regulatory@dshs.texas.govMailing Address
Meat Safety Assurance Section, Compliance and Investigations Unit, MC 1872
Texas Department of State Health Services
P. O. Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
Estados Unidos
Phone Number:
866-632-9992Mailing Address
Director, Office of Adjudication and Compliance
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250-9410
Estados Unidos
Additional Phone Numbers:
202-401-0216 (TDD)
800-877-8339 (TDD toll-free)
Mailing Address
USDA OIG Hotline
P.O. Box 23399
Washington, DC 20026
Estados Unidos