Title V State Block Grant Information
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) is part of the Social Security Act (SSA) of 1935. It is one of the largest federal block grant programs. SSA was the start of the federal government's individual state support. It aims to improve the health of mothers and children. In 1981, MCH became a block grant program. This resulted in many programs merging into one block grant. MCH has changed over time but maintains the focus on maternal and child health and well-being.
Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Application
Download the Texas FY 2024 Application/FY 2022 Annual Report from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Title V information website to see our current application. You can also access older applications and annual reports on this site.
The Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program State Snapshot, produced annually by HRSA, presents high-level data and a summary from the most recent submission.
Title V Five-Year Needs Assessment
The Title V Five-Year Needs Assessment is a comprehensive, statewide assessment of the status and needs of the maternal and child health population in Texas. MCH is preparing the FY20 Title V five-year needs assessment for public review.
You can also find more information about other state's Title V MCH programs on the HRSA website.
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