Candida auris (C. auris)
Organism, Causative Agent, or Etiologic Agent
Candida auris (C. auris) is a yeast, which is a type of fungus. C. auris has been showing up around the world in the past ten years. C. auris causes infections that are difficult to treat with antifungal drugs. Antifungal drugs are medications that kill yeast and other types of fungus. C. auris can cause serious infections and death.
C. auris yeast is usually able to survive at least one antifungal drug. One-third of C. auris yeasts can survive two antifungal drugs. Some types of C. auris can survive all three major types of antifungal drugs. If the yeast can survive more than one drug, it is multidrug-resistant. Since C. auris is often multidrug-resistant, this yeast is very difficult to treat. C. auris can spread quickly in healthcare settings and cause outbreaks.
In the United States, patients with C. auris usually have spent a lot of time in healthcare settings. Some of these patients have received healthcare outside of the United States C. auris patients may have a weak immune system. They may also have recently used antibiotics or antifungal drugs. C. auris patients are also likely to have multidrug-resistant bacteria.
General Information
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Mailing Address
Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology Section
Mail Code: 3082
P.O. Box 149347
Austin , TX 78714-9347
Estados Unidos
Physical Address
Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology Section
Moreton Building, Suite M-631
1100 West 49th Street
Austin , TX 78756-3199
Estados Unidos