Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Shipper and Transporter Registrations

There are three agencies responsible for regulating different aspects of Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) disposal at the Texas LLRW disposal facility. The following is an attempt to clarify each agency's role, what regulations apply and whom to contact for more information or questions.

  1. Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program, Radiation Safety Licensing Branch

DSHS regulates shipping and transportation of LLRW to the Texas Disposal Facility under the following sections of Title 25, Texas Administrative Code:

  1. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

TCEQ is responsible for licensing the Texas LLRW waste disposal facility under 30 Texas Administrative Code, Title 336; "Radioactive Substance Rules".

Also see the Waste Generator Disposal Guide page on their website.

  1. Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission (TLLRWDCC)

The TLLRWDCC is responsible for setting policies and rules providing for the efficient management of the Texas LLRW disposal facility under the Texas and Vermont waste disposal compact agreement. The TLLRWDCC is independent and not a State agency.

Application Process for LLRW Shipper Registration

To apply for a LLRW Shipper Registration submit:

There is no application fee. Shippers are charged $10 per cubic foot and will be billed by the Department after the shipment is completed.

Applications Process for LLRW Transporter Registration

To apply for a Transporter Registration submit:

There is no application fee, or fee based on the amount of material transported by a carrier.

Contact us with questions regarding LLRW Shipper and Transporter Registrations.

Email:  RAMLicensing@dshs.texas.gov

Phone: 512-834-6661