Cancer Statistics
The fight against cancer does not end with collecting and maintaining high quality cancer data for the state of Texas. The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) Epidemiology Group analyzes and disseminates cancer data to researchers, policy makers, health care providers, the public, and many other customers concerned about the status and burden of cancer in Texas. For information on using TCR data in analysis and research, visit our Data Requests page.
- TCR Data Release Policy — TCR's data release goals, methods for minimizing risk of patient or reporting entity disclosure, and policy for releasing cancer incidence and mortality data
- Defining Cancer Statistics— key statistics used to assess cancer burden: incidence, mortality, prevalence, survival
- Requested Citation When Using TCR Data — how to cite TCR data in publications, presentations, reports, and analyses
Interactive Tools, Maps, and Graphs*
- TCR Web Query Tool
- U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Tool (via CDC)
- Cancer Statistics Explorer Network (via SEER)
- State Cancer Profiles (via NCI and CDC)
- CiNA Explorer (via NAACCR)
Statistical Tables
- Expected Cancer Cases and Deaths — projected number of new cancer cases and deaths for most common cancer sites
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality — rates and counts for leading sites of newly diagnosed cancer cases and cancer deaths
- Childhood and Adolescent Cancer — incidence rates and counts for cancers diagnosed among those age 0-19 years
- Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer — incidence rates and counts for cancers diagnosed among those age 15-39 years
- Cancer Survival — percentage of people who survived at least five years after diagnosis
- Cancer Prevalence — estimated number of people alive who have been diagnosed with cancer
- Potential Years of Life Lost — estimated number of additional years a person could have lived had they not died prematurely of cancer
Statistical Reports
- Cancer in Texas 2024
- Cancer Trends Data Brief — patterns of cancer incidence in Texas over the past 10 years
- Living with Cancer Data Brief — overview of cancer survivors in Texas
- Liver Cancer in Texas — patterns of liver cancer incidence and mortality rates unique to Texas
Cancers Associated with Modifiable Risk Factors:
- Alcohol-Associated Cancers Data Brief
- HPV-Associated Cancers Data Brief
- Overweight/Obesity-Associated Cancers Data Brief
- Tobacco-Associated Cancers Data Brief
Screening-Amenable Cancers:
Interactive Tools Accessibility Disclaimer*
The interactive tools link to external websites. These links are intended to be informational and are not endorsed by the Texas Department of State Health Services. These websites may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you need assistance obtaining data from these tools, please contact TCR at 512-776-3080 or via email at
If you would like to be notified when new TCR data, statistical reports, and publications are available, sign up for email updates.