School Health Services
School health services is a "coordinated system that ensures a continuum of care from school to home to community health care provider and back" (Small et al., 1995). Below is information on bloodborne pathogen control, immunizations, medication administration, emergency care, screenings, and student safety.
Blood-Borne Pathogens and Universal Precautions
- CDC/NIOSH – Universal Precautions for Preventing Transmission of Blood-Borne Infections
- DSHS Blood Borne Pathogen Control in Texas Schools
- U.S. Department of Labor – OHSA, Blood Borne Pathogens
- U.S. Department of Labor – OSHA, Universal Precautions
Emergency Care
- AAP Medical Emergencies Occurring at Schools
- American Heart Association CPR Guidelines
- Emergency Management in Texas Schools
- Texas State AED Laws - Health and Safety Code, CH 779 - Automated External Defibrillators
- CDC Catch-Up Immunization Schedule
- CDC Vaccine Information Statements
- DSHS Exemption Information – School Immunizations
- DSHS Immunization Requirements in Texas Child-care Facilities, Pre-Kindergarten, Early Childhood Programs, and Elementary and Secondary Schools - Texas Administrative Code, Rule 97.63
- DSHS Immunizations Program
- DSHS Texas Laws – School Immunizations
- DSHS Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K – 12
- DSHS Texas Schools’ Immunization Requirements
- DSHS Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Medication Administration
- Texas Guide to Medication Administration in the School Setting
- BON Administration of Medication and Treatments by LVNs
- NASN Position Statement: Medication Administration
- TSNO Position Statement: Over-the-Counter Medication Administration
- Texas Education Code Chapter 22
School-Based Health Centers
- Texas Administrative Code, Rule §37.538
- Texas Association of School Boards: Student Health and Welfare
- DSHS Spinal Screening Program
- DSHS Spinal Screening Information and Procedure
- DSHS Spinal Screening Program Guidelines
- DSHS Spinal Screening Resource Center
- DSHS Vision and Hearing Program
- DSHS Vision and Hearing Regional Coordinators
- DSHS Vision and Hearing Rules
- DSHS Hearing Screening Requirements
- TEA FitnessGram® Physical Fitness Assessment
- FitnessGram®
- TEA: Screening and Treatment for Dyslexia
- Texas Risk Assessment for Type II Diabetes in Children
- Texas Risk Assessment for Type II Diabetes in Children Program Brochure
- Email UT Rio Grande Valley Type II Diabetes Risk Assessment
Student Safety
- Texas State – Texas School Safety Center
- Guidelines for Training School Employees Who are Not Licensed Health Care Professionals
External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. These sites may not be accessible to people with disabilities.