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Microbiology Unit Notices

DSHS Laboratory Services Section – Notice to Public

Request for Faster Subtyping of In-Patient Influenza A Positive Specimens  

In a recent CDC Health Alert released January 16, 2025, the CDC recommended all influenza A positive specimens from hospitalized patients be subtyped as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours of admission.  

Recommendations for Clinicians 

Subtyping should be carried out in the hospital laboratory, if available, or at a commercial laboratory. If subtyping is not available through a hospital or commercial lab, the DSHS urges clinicians to promptly contact their local health department to coordinate shipping specimens to the appropriate public health laboratory for subtyping.   

Recommendations for Clinical Laboratories 

Clinical laboratories that subtype should submit influenza A positive specimens that are negative for seasonal influenza A virus subtypes A(H1) and A(H3) to their local public health laboratory within 24 hours of subtyping results.  

Submission Recommendations 

If you are going to submit influenza specimens to the DSHS Austin Laboratory, please complete a  
G-2V specimen submission form. Indicate in Section 4 of the G-2V form whether: 

  • the patient was exposed to infected wild or domestic animals with confirmed or suspected influenza A (H5N1), 

  • subtyping results were negative for seasonal influenza A virus subtypes.    

Please also refer to the attached Flu job aid for additional influenza specimen submission instructions and FAQs on submitting specimens.   

Subtyping specimens as soon as possible will help to quickly identify human infections with avian influenza A(H5) viruses and routinely characterize seasonal influenza viruses.    

Influenza Testing, Specimen Submission, or Sequencing Questions?  

  • Overnight Shipping Address: Walter Douglass, Texas Dept. of State Health Services, Public Health Laboratory Division, 1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, TX 78756-3199 

Posted February 13, 2025

DSHS Austin Laboratory Open Regular Business Hours - Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The DSHS Austin Laboratory will return to normal operations Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

We understand that some areas may still be negatively affected by cold and icy conditions so please check with your courier for local service alerts. Courier services may experience delays due to prolonged cold or hazardous conditions.

Received specimens will be tested as soon as possible, and backlogs will be resolved during business hours.

  • Please Note: Specimens received outside of their acceptability window will be unsatisfactory for testing.

Questions? Contact the DSHS Austin Laboratory:

Clinical Chemistry: 

Clinical Chemistry General Inquiries: 512-776-6236 

Container Preparation: 

Environmental Chemistry Unit:  

Microbiology Unit: 

Microbiology General Inquiries: 512-776-7599 

Newborn Screening General Inquiries: 512-776-7333 

Newborn Screening:  

Specimen Submission: 

Posted January 21, 2025

DSHS Austin Laboratory Closure Due to Inclement Weather January 21, 2025

Inclement weather in Austin and other parts of Texas on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, may cause testing delays at the Laboratory.

  • The DSHS Austin Microbiology Unit and Environmental Sciences Laboratory will be closed on
    Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions.

  • The Newborn Screening Laboratory will perform limited testing during that time.

  • Continue to ship all specimens per regular guidelines.

    • Due to the potential for shipping delays, please transfer serum for glucose and lipid testing from SST tubes into new tubes and freeze them. Then ship them only after weather conditions improve.

  • Courier services may experience delays due to the weather.

    • Please check with your courier for local service alerts.

  • All specimens will be processed as soon as possible after resumption of normal operations.

    • Note that specimens received outside of their acceptability window will be unsatisfactory for testing.

  • The Laboratory will work at maximum capacity to resolve any specimen backlog.

The DSHS Austin Laboratory appreciates the dedication and commitment of healthcare providers to keep Texans healthy.

Contact the DSHS Austin Laboratory:

Clinical Chemistry: 

Clinical Chemistry General Inquiries: 512-776-6236 

Container Preparation: 

Environmental Chemistry Unit:  

Microbiology Unit: 

Microbiology General Inquiries: 512-776-7599 

Newborn Screening General Inquiries: 512-776-7333 

Newborn Screening:  

Specimen Submission: 

Posted January 20, 2025

DSHS Austin Microbiology Laboratory Closed on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The DSHS Austin Microbiology Laboratory will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

  • Do not ship microbiology specimens for Monday, January 20 delivery.  
  • Emergency rabies testing is available only for specimens dropped off before 8 a.m. Monday, January 20.  
    • Emergency rabies testing requires prior authorization by 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 17 from the Rabies Laboratory. 
  • TB Elimination submitters should not collect or ship specimens on Friday, January 17. 
  • Do not collect or ship gonorrhea antimicrobial susceptibility (GC AST) specimens Sunday, January 19 as these specimens must be tested within 24 hours of collection.  
    • As is standard practice, please do not collect or ship GC AST specimens on Friday for Saturday delivery.  

The Microbiology Laboratory will resume normal business hours Tuesday, January 21. 

Questions about Shipping and the Holiday Closure? 

Rabies Team: 512-776-7595 or 

TB Team: 512-776-7342 or 

Specimen Intake Team: 512-776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 ext. 7598 (toll free)  

Posted January 16, 2025

Request for Antimicrobial Resistant Sample Submissions

Dear Laboratory managers, microbiology supervisors, and infection preventionists,  

The prevalence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria and fungi is an urgent global public health challenge that can threaten the health and livelihoods of Texans. The CDC’s Antimicrobial Resistance Threats in the United States, 2021-2022 report analyzed new data showing that seven antimicrobial resistant pathogens increased the burden of hospital onset infections by a combined 20% during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. To ensure healthcare facilities have processes in place to prevent other patients from contracting these pathogens, Texas epidemiologists use the containment guidance in the Texas Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network Response Plan

The Texas Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Laboratory, as part of the CDC’s AR Laboratory Network, works with local and regional healthcare facilities and laboratories across the state to rapidly detect antimicrobial resistant microbes and prevent their spread. You can help by submitting swabs and/or isolates of the following microbes to the Texas AR Laboratory:  

  • *Candida auris or unknown Candida spp.  
  • Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales 
  • Carbapenem-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa 
  • Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii 
  • Antimicrobial Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae (AR GC) 

*It is mandatory to submit isolates for positive cases of C. auris per Texas Administrative Code Rule §97.3. 

Texas AR Laboratory tests submissions for organism identification, antimicrobial susceptibility, carbapenemase production, and mechanism of resistance. Additional details about AR Lab Network testing can be found in the Texas Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network Response Plan.  

Contact Information 

Texas AR Laboratory - AR Testing, Specimen Submissions 

Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) Group - AR Organisms, Data 

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) Team – Screenings, ICARs 

Shipping Information More details about shipping specimens for antimicrobial resistance testing may be found online at the links below. 

Thank you for your partnership with us in this crucial public health effort for all Texans.  


The Texas Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory and  
the Texas Healthcare Associated Infections/ Antimicrobial Resistance Investigations Group 

Posted December 30, 2024 

Request for Norovirus Specimen Submitters to Select “Outbreak” or “Surveillance” on G-2B Submission Forms

Image of the Norovirus submission form with the question regarding onset highlighted

The DSHS Austin Laboratory requests that submitters of norovirus positive (NoV+) clinical specimens mark on the G-2B submission form whether the specimen is linked to an outbreak investigation or submitted for surveillance purposes. Doing so helps the Laboratory and epidemiologists better track and follow up on all submitted NoV specimens.  

What is the Difference Between Outbreak and Surveillance Specimens?  

During outbreak investigations, your local or regional health department may ask you to forward clinical specimens to the DSHS Lab for molecular analysis. Select “Outbreak Association” in Section 2 of the G-2B submission form for these specimens. We highly encourage the submission of at least two NoV specimens from two different patients for confirmed outbreaks. But do not hesitate to submit single NoV+ specimens suspected of being part of an outbreak. 

Surveillance specimens are specimens your local or regional health department did not prompt or request you to submit to the Lab. They are not linked to an outbreak investigation. Please select “Surveillance” in Section 2 of the G-2B submission form for these specimens.  

Thank you so much for the positive response to our prior request for norovirus specimens. Keep up the great work! 

Additional Guidance 

Norovirus specimen submission job aids are available.

Shipping Address for Overnight/Priority Courier Service 

Specimen Receiving: Walter Douglass 
Public Health Laboratory Division, 

Department of State Health Services 
1100 W. 49th Street  
Austin, TX 78756-3199 
Phone: 512-776-7569 

Norovirus Questions?  

For laboratory questions about NoV testing or specimen suitability, please contact the Molecular Biology Team Lead at (512) 776-6510. 

For questions related to the DSHS NoV surveillance project (CaliciNet), please email

For questions about G-2B submission forms, contact the Lab Reporting Team at 512-776-7578 or

Posted December 27, 2024 

DSHS Austin Laboratory Christmas and New Year’s Holiday Closure Reminder 

With the exception of Newborn Screening and Rabies testing, the DSHS Austin Laboratory will be closed, and testing will not occur Tuesday, 12/24/2024, Wednesday, 12/25/2024, and Thursday, 12/26/2024. Testing services will resume as normal, Friday, 12/27/2024. 

  • The Laboratory will be closed on New Year’s Day, Wednesday 01/01/2025. 

All submitters are responsible for the timely and appropriate shipping of specimens to the Laboratory. 

See below for more details on selected testing.  

Newborn Screening (NBS)

Christmas Closure is Tuesday, 12/24/2024 and Wednesday, 12/25/2024. Testing will resume Thursday, 12/26/2024.  
New Year’s Closure is Wednesday, 01/01/2025. Testing will resume Thursday, 01/02/2025. 

  • We will test NBS specimens received and accessioned on Monday, 12/23/2024 and Tuesday, 12/31/2024.  
  • We will notify healthcare providers of critical-level preliminary presumptive positive results on Tuesday, 12/24/2024 (Christmas Eve). 

Submission Reminders 

  • DO NOT DELAY the collection or shipment of newborn screening specimens. 
  • Ship dried specimens within 24 hours of collection. If mail or courier services are unavailable, ship as soon as possible.  
  • DSHS recommends shipping specimens using an overnight or trackable service such as USPS Priority Mail, FedEx, and UPS. 

Clinical Chemistry 

Christmas Closure is Tuesday, 12/24/2024 through Thursday, 12/26/24. Testing will resume Friday, 12/27/2024.  

New Year’s Closure is Wednesday, 01/01/2025. Testing will resume Thursday, 01/02/2025.  

  • Total hemoglobin, lead, glucose, and lipid/cholesterol specimens must be received by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, 12/23/2024 to complete testing before the Holiday closure. 
  • DO NOT ship cholesterol, lipid profile, or glucose specimens on Friday, 12/27/2024. 

Submission Reminders 

  • Specimens submitted for lead and total hemoglobin testing must be received within 14 days of collection. 
  • Specimens submitted for glucose, lipid panel, and cholesterol testing must be received according to the specimen submission guidelines available at  

Laboratory Testing Services Manual - Guidelines for Specimen Shipping and Mailing | Texas DSHS.  

Environmental Science 


Christmas Closure is Tuesday 12/24/2024 through Thursday 12/26/2024. Testing will resume Friday 12/27/2024.  

New Year’s Closure is Wednesday 01/01/2025. Testing will resume Thursday 01/02/2025.  

Rabies Specimens 

  • We will test specimens received before 11:00 a.m. Monday, 12/23/2024 the same day.   
    • Results will be available by 5:00 p.m.    
  • We will test specimens received after 11:00 a.m. Monday, 12/23/2024 on Tuesday, 12/24/2024.   
    • We will notify submitters of positive results by 12:00 p.m. Preliminary results will be available by 12:00 p.m., if requested.  
    • Final results will be available to submitters on Friday, 12/27/2024 by 5:00 p.m.  
  • Emergency testing—only by prior arrangement with Rabies testing staff—will be available: Tuesday, 12/24/2024, Thursday, 12/26/24; and Wednesday, 01/01/2025.  
  • Call 512-776-7595 before 4:00 p.m. of the previous day to discuss.  
  • Emergency testing is not available on Wednesday, 12/25/2024.  
    • Specimen receipt by 8:00 a.m. must be guaranteed to ensure same day testing and preliminary results.   
  • DO NOT ship specimens for delivery Tuesday, 12/24/2024 through Thursday, 12/26/2024 or Wednesday, 01/01/2025. Store specimens at 2ºC–8ºC until shipping is possible.  
    • All other specimens will be tested on Friday, 12/27/2024.  

Tuberculosis (TB) Specimens  

  • The TB Lab must receive critical specimens for AFB Smear and NAA testing by 8:30 a.m., Monday, 12/23/2024 for expedited AFB Smear and NAA test results before the Christmas holiday. 
  • DO NOT ship specimens for delivery on Tuesday, 12/24/2024 through Thursday, 12/26/2024.  
  • Refrigerate specimens collected during this period until shipping is possible. 
  • Call 512-776-7342 before 9:00 a.m., Monday, 12/23/2024 for expedited test requests. 

Candida auris Swab Specimens 

  • Do not ship swabs for delivery on Monday, 12/23/2024 through Wednesday, 1/1/2025.  
  • Please remember that swabs must be received within 72 hours of collection. 

Carbapenem Resistant Organisms Swab Specimens 

  • Do not collect or ship swabs from Monday, 12/23/2024 through Friday 12/27/2024.   
  • Do not ship swabs for delivery on Wednesday, 1/1/2025.   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Specimens 

  • Do not collect or ship swabs from Monday, 12/23/2024 through Thursday, 12/26/2024.  

Bacteriology Water Samples 

  • Do not ship for delivery or drop off samples from Monday, 12/23/2024 to Friday, 12/27/2024.  
  • We will accept water samples on Monday, 12/30/2024.  
  • Do not ship for delivery or drop off samples on Tuesday, 12/31/2024 or Wednesday, 01/01/2025.  
  • Our regular specimen acceptance schedule will resume on Thursday, 01/02/2025.  

All Other Microbiology Specimens or Samples 

  • Do not ship specimens for delivery between Tuesday, 12/24/2024 and Thursday, 12/26/2024.  
  • Store specimens collected during this time at an appropriate temperature (e.g., -70°C) or below, for clinical virology samples.  
  • No tests will be performed from Tuesday, 12/24/2024 to Thursday, 12/26/2024. 

Ordering Laboratory Supplies 

Newborn Screening Requests 

  • Priority overnight orders received by 12:00 p.m. Monday, 12/23/2024 will be processed and shipped via FedEx Priority Overnight. 
  • Standard orders received by 12:00 p.m. Monday, 12/23/2024 will be processed and shipped via FedEx Ground. 
  • Orders received after 12:00 p.m. on Monday, 12/23/2024 through Thursday, 12/26/2024 will be processed on Friday, 12/27/2024. 

Texas Health Steps/PKU/TB/HIV/C. auris/CRO/GC AST Courier Supply Requests 

  • Orders received on Monday, 12/23/2024 will be audited, issued, and shipped via FedEx Ground on Friday, 12/27/2024. 
  • Orders received on Tuesday 12/31/2024 will be audited, issued, and shipped on Thursday 01/02/2024 via FedEx Ground. 

***Per FedEx website, FedEx Ground will be closed Wednesday, 12/25/2024. FedEx Ground will also be closed Wednesday, 01/01/2025.*** 


Clinical Chemistry: 

Clinical Chemistry General Inquiries: 512-776-6236 

Container Preparation: 

Environmental Chemistry Unit:  

Microbiology Unit: 

Microbiology General Inquiries: 512-776-7599 

Newborn Screening General Inquiries: 512-776-7333 

Newborn Screening:  

Specimen Submission: 

Posted December 11, 2024 

DSHS Austin Laboratory Thanksgiving Holiday Closure Reminder 

With the exception of Newborn Screening and Rabies testing, the DSHS Austin Laboratory will be closed, and no testing will occur Thursday, 11/28/2024 through Saturday, 11/30/2024. The DSHS Laboratory is completely closed on Sundays. Testing services will resume as normal, Monday, 12/02/2024.  
See below for more details on selected testing.  

Newborn Screening (NBS) 

  • The Newborn Screening Laboratory will be closed Thanksgiving Day, Thursday 11/28/2024 and will resume testing on Friday, 11/29/2024. 

  • DO NOT DELAY collection or shipment of newborn screening specimens. 

  • Ship dried specimens within 24 hours of collection. If mail or courier services are unavailable, ship as soon as possible.  

  • DSHS recommends shipping specimens using an overnight or trackable service like USPS Priority Mail, FedEx, and UPS. 

Clinical Chemistry 

  • Total hemoglobin, lead, glucose, and lipid/cholesterol specimens must be received by Wednesday, 11/27/2024 to complete testing before the holiday closure. 

  • DO NOT ship cholesterol, lipid profile, or glucose specimens on Fridays or on the day before a state-observed holiday. 


Rabies Specimens 

  • Rabies specimens received after 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, 11/27/2024 will be tested Friday, 11/29/2024. Submitters will be notified of positive results by 12:00 p.m. Friday.  
    All other results will be available Monday 12/02/2024. 

  • Emergency testing will be available Friday, 11/29/2024 and Saturday, 11/30/2024 only by prior arrangement with Rabies testing staff. Call 512-776-7595 before 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, 11/27/2024 to discuss.  
    Specimen receipt must be guaranteed by 8:00 a.m. the morning of testing. Preliminary results will be called out as soon as emergency testing is completed. Final results will be available Monday 12/02/2024. 

  • All other specimens will be tested on Monday, 12/02/2024, and results will be available by 5:00 p.m. 

Tuberculosis (TB) Specimens  

  • Do not ship specimens for delivery between Thursday, 11/28/2024 and Saturday, 11/30/2024.  
    Refrigerate specimens collected during this period until shipping is possible. 

  • Ensure critical AFB Smear and NAA for M. tuberculosis specimens are delivered by 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 11/27/2024. 

  • Call 512-776-7342 before 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 11/27/2024 for expedited test requests. 

Candida auris Swab Specimens 

  • Do not collect or ship swabs for delivery from Tuesday, 11/26/2024 to Saturday, 11/30/2024.  

  • Please remember that swabs must be received within 72 hours of collection. 

Carbapenem Resistant Organisms Swab Specimens 

  • Do not collect or ship swabs from Tuesday, 11/26/2024 to Saturday, 11/30/2024.  

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Specimens 

  • Do not collect or ship swabs from Tuesday, 11/26/2024 to Saturday, 11/30/2024.  

Bacteriology Water Samples 

  • Water samples will not be accepted at DSHS Laboratory from Wednesday, 11/27/2024 to Saturday, 11/30/2024. 

All Other Microbiology Specimens or Samples 

  • Do not ship specimens for delivery between Thursday, 11/28/2024 and Sunday, 12/01/2024. Store specimens collected during this time at an appropriate temperature (e.g. -70°C or below for clinical virology samples).  

  • No testing will be performed from Thursday, 11/28/2024 to Sunday, 12/01/2024. 

Ordering Laboratory Supplies 

Newborn Screening Medicaid/Paid Card Order Requests 

  • Priority overnight shipping requests received on Wednesday, 11/27/2024 will be processed and shipped via FedEx Priority Overnight. 

  • All requests received before noon Wednesday, 11/27/2024 will be processed and shipped via FedEx Ground. 

  • Requests received after noon Wednesday, 11/27/2024 through Saturday, 11/30/2024 will be sent Monday, 12/02/2024. 

Texas Health Steps/PKU/TB/HIV/Courier Supply Order Requests 

  • Requests received before 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 11/27/2024 will be audited, issued, and shipped via FedEx Ground Wednesday afternoon, 11/27/2024. 

  • Requests received after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 11/27/2024 through Sunday, 12/01/2024 will be audited, issued, and shipped on Monday, 12/02/2024 via FedEx Ground. 

*** Per FedEx website, FedEx Ground will be closed Thursday, 11/28/2024 but will deliver packages Friday, 11/29/2024.***  


Clinical Chemistry: 

Clinical Chemistry General Inquiries: 512-776-6236 

Container Preparation: 

Environmental Chemistry Unit:  

Microbiology Unit: 

Microbiology General Inquiries: 512-776-7599 

Newborn Screening General Inquiries: 512-776-7333 

Newborn Screening:  

Specimen Submission: 

Posted November 14, 2024 

DSHS Austin Laboratory Veterans’ Day 2024 Closure 

The DSHS Austin Microbiology Laboratory will be closed Monday, November 11. Normal testing services will resume Tuesday,  
November 12

  • Do not ship or hand deliver microbiology specimens for Monday, November 11 delivery.  

  • Emergency rabies testing is available only for specimens dropped off before 8:00 a.m. Monday, November 11.  

  • Emergency rabies testing requires prior authorization by 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 8 from the Rabies Laboratory. 

  • Do not collect or ship gonorrhea antimicrobial susceptibility specimens on Sunday, November 10 as these specimens must be tested within 24 hours of collection.  

Questions about Shipping and the Holiday Closure?

Rabies Team:
512-776-7595 or 

TB Team:
512-776-7342 or 

AR Lab Network:
512-776-7784 or 

Specimen Intake Team:
512-776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111  
ext. 7598 (toll free)  

Posted November 07, 2024,

Norovirus Specimens in Cary Blair Transport Medium Now Accepted for Molecular Analysis at DSHS Austin Laboratory

Effective 11/1/2024, the Texas Department of State Health Services Austin Laboratory is accepting frozen raw stool and stool specimens in Cary-Blair transport medium for norovirus (NoV) molecular analysis. The Laboratory continues to accept refrigerated raw stool specimens for NoV analysis.

Norovirus outbreaks tend to be underreported to public health officials, so the true incidence of this foodborne illness is likely higher. Testing patients for unknown gastrointestinal illnesses is essential for clinical decision-making and for community outbreak detection and investigations.

During outbreak investigations, your local or regional health departments may request you to forward clinical specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for molecular analysis. It is essential that you submit requested specimens to help DSHS epidemiologists link individual cases during outbreak investigations.

Norovirus Analysis is FREE when requested by an epidemiologist. There is no charge to the submitter for testing clinical specimens that were requested for NoV outbreak investigation purposes.

Refer to the printable Norovirus one-page flyers for more guidance on collecting and shipping NoV specimens to the Laboratory for molecular analysis.

Shipping Address for Overnight/Priority Courier Service

Specimen Receiving: Walter Douglass 

Public Health Laboratory Division, 

Department of State Health Services, 

1100 W. 49th Street  
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: 512-776-7569

Norovirus Questions?

For questions about NoV testing or specimen suitability, please contact the Molecular Biology Team Lead at 512-776-6510.

For questions related to DSHS’ NoV surveillance project (CaliciNet), please email

For more information on specimen packaging and shipping, check out the shipping and submission guidance webpage.

Posted October 30, 2024

DSHS Austin Laboratory Phone and Fax Services Technical Issues

The DSHS Austin Laboratory is experiencing intermittent technical issues with outbound and inbound phone service and outbound fax systems.  We are currently unable to receive and make phone calls and send faxes to various areas of Texas. The issue is being investigated and evaluated for resolution. 

In the interim, the Laboratory is using alternative means to contact our submitters. Alternatively, please use email to initiate communication directly with your Laboratory contact.  

DSHS Austin Laboratory Contact 

Phone Number 


AR Laboratory Network 

AR Lab Network Liaison 


BioThreat Team 


Chemical Threat Team 


Clinical Chemistry Educator 


Clinical Chemistry Specimen Logistics 

512-776-6237 or 

Container Supply/Kit Ordering 


Environmental Chemistry Unit 


Laboratory Reporting Group 


Microbiology Laboratory Educator 


Microbiology Specimen Logistics 


Newborn Screening Educators 


Newborn Screening Specimen Logistics 


Specimen Acquisition 

(512) 776-7598 or  
ext. 7598 (toll free) 


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this interruption may cause. An update will be provided once the issue is resolved, and phone and fax services are back to normal operation. 

The DSHS Austin Laboratory appreciates your patience and dedication to ensuring the best possible health outcomes for all Texans.  

Posted October 14, 2024

Whole Genome Sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida auris Now Available at the Texas DSHS Laboratory

The DSHS Austin Laboratory is now conducting whole genome sequencing (WGS) of submitted Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida auris specimens. Specimens selected for WGS are:

  • confirmed M. tuberculosis obtained from clinical specimens and referred isolates.
  • confirmed C. auris obtained from either colonization swabs or referred isolates.

Therefore, WGS may reflex for C. auris colonization testing and M. tuberculosis complex antimicrobial sensitivity test requests. No additional steps are required of submitters to order sequencing.

  • Submitted M. tuberculosis complex specimens will be sequenced to better track the spread of antimicrobial resistant TB in Texas.

WGS is free for all M. tuberculosis and C. auris Decoritive
submitters in Texas.
DSHS also provides specimen
collection swabs, mailers, and shipping for free.

NEW SUBMITTERS may set up a submitter account by downloading a Submitter ID Number Request Form, available on the DSHS Forms webpage at Laboratory Testing Services Manual - Forms and Laboratory Fee Schedule | Texas DSHS.  

  • Complete all applicable fields and email the form to or fax to 512-776-7533. 
  • A Lab Reporting team member will create a submitter account, provide a G-2B submission form, a supply order form, and Security Rights forms to request Web Portal access.  

EXISTING SUBMITTERS may update their contact information by providing the updates in a Submitter ID Number Request Form and emailing the form to  or faxing it to 512-776-7533.

Additional guidance on obtaining a DSHS submitter ID number, labeling specimens correctly, and completing submission forms is available on the DSHS Specimen Collection webpages.  


  • Questions about C. auris and M. tuberculosis WGS: Email the Advanced Molecular Detection Group at, or call (512) 776-6614.
  • Questions about submitting M. tuberculosis specimens: Email Mycobacteriology Team at (512) 776-7342, or email
  • Questions about submitting C. auris specimens: Email, or call (512) 776-7582.

Posted October 08, 2024

Correct Shipping and Delivery of Rabies Specimens to DSHS Austin Laboratory

DSHS Austin Laboratory – Microbiological Sciences Unit Notice

The DSHS Austin Laboratory reminds submitters that rabies specimens must be delivered directly to the Lab’s specimen receiving bay. The receiving bay is located on the north side of the Lab building, as shown in the map below:

Map of Agency


  • Do not deliver rabies specimens to the Laboratory’s Security Desk or leave them by Lab entrance doors.
  • Do not ship rabies specimens to the Laboratory via rideshare delivery apps.
  • Rideshare services do not comply with US Department of Transportation (US DOT) requirements for the handling and shipping of infectious substances such as rabies specimens.
  • Submitters may ship correctly labeled rabies specimens to the Lab via FedEx or UPS.
  • Shipping specimens via USPS is discouraged.

Improper shipping and delivery of rabies specimens can potentially expose individuals to hazardous infectious substances and expose the submitter to significant legal penalties.

The DSHS Laboratory staff appreciate your attention to this matter.

Questions about Rabies Specimen Shipping?

DSHS Specimen Receiving

Call 512-776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 ext. 7598 (toll free).

DSHS Rabies Team

Call 512-776-7595 or email

Overnight/Priority Shipping Address for Rabies Specimens

ATTN: Salvador Arreola

Texas Department of State Health Services
Public Health Laboratory Division
1100 W. 49th Street MC 1947
Austin, TX 78756-3199

Posted September 27, 2024

DSHS Austin Laboratory Phone and Fax Services Technical Issues - September 17, 2024

The DSHS Austin Laboratory is experiencing intermittent technical issues with outbound phone and fax systems and is unable to make phone calls or send faxes to various areas of Texas. The issue is being investigated and evaluated for resolution.

In the interim, the Laboratory is using alternative means to contact our submitters. If you receive a request to call the DSHS Laboratory, please do so. Alternatively, use email to initiate communication directly with your Laboratory contact. 

DSHS Austin Laboratory Contact

Phone Number


AR Laboratory Network

AR Lab Network Liaison


BioThreat Team


Chemical Threat Team


Clinical Chemistry Educator


Clinical Chemistry Specimen Logistics

512-776-6237 or

Container Supply/Kit Ordering


Environmental Chemistry Unit


Laboratory Reporting Group


Microbiology Laboratory Educator


Microbiology Specimen Logistics


Newborn Screening Educators


Newborn Screening Specimen Logistics


Specimen Acquisition

(512) 776-7598 or
ext. 7578 (toll free)


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this interruption may cause. An update will be provided once the issue is resolved, and phone and fax services are back to normal operation.

The DSHS Austin Laboratory appreciates your patience and dedication to ensuring the best possible health outcomes for all Texans. 

Posted September 17, 2024

Molecular Detection of Rickettsia SPP Now Available at the Texas DSHS Laboratory

Effective 8/26/2024, the Texas DSHS Austin Laboratory will begin accepting whole blood specimens collected in EDTA (purple/lavender top) tubes for the molecular detection and identification of Rickettsia spp. in symptomatic patients. This new Rickettsia polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect and differentiate between Rickettsia rickettsii, the causative agent of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and R. prowazekii, the causative agent of louse-borne or epidemic, typhus. The test also includes a pan-Rickettsia probe that can detect the presence of other rickettsial species, including R. typhi, the causative agent of flea-borne, also known as endemic or murine, typhus. However, it cannot identify R. typhi to the species level. 

Per protocol, the following Rickettsia PCR test specimens will be forwarded to CDC by the DSHS Laboratory for confirmatory testing:  

  • Specimens that are presumptive positive for R. rickettsii or R. prowazekii. 

  • Specimens in which the pan-Rickettsia target is detected, but R. rickettsii and R. prowazekii are not.  

  • Indeterminate specimens approved by the CDC for further testing. 

Note: Rickettsia spp. IgG antibody testing by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) is still offered at the Laboratory. We encourage providers to continue submitting serum specimens for this standard diagnostic test. Please refer to the DSHS Laboratory specimen and submission requirements for the IFA test at Rickettsia spp. Panel IgG.   

The Rickettsia PCR test is expected to be added to the DSHS Laboratory Fee Schedule in early 2025. Until that time, there is no charge to submitters for this test.  

The expansion of rickettsial disease testing at the Austin Laboratory will contribute to the surveillance and tracking of flea-borne typhus and spotted fever rickettsiosis, reportable conditions in Texas. 


  • For questions about the new Rickettsia spp. PCR test at the Laboratory, please call the Clinical Virology team at 512-776-7594 or 512-776-2452 during regular business hours (Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or email   

  • For questions about the Rickettsia spp. IgG antibody test, please call the Serology Team at 512-776-7657 or 512-776-2505 during regular business hours, or email

  • Refer to the attached job aids for additional information on submitting rickettsial specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for Rickettsia testing. 

  • Please do not submit notifiable condition reports to the Laboratory! 

Posted September 4, 2024

Becton, Dickinson and Company BACTECTM MGITTM 960 Pyrazinamide Test Kits Currently Unavailable

On July 25, 2024, the DSHS Laboratory in Austin received a letter from the CDC’s Division of TB Elimination (DTBE) indicating that phenotypic pyrazinamide (PZA) susceptibility testing kits may be unavailable to many laboratories due to a manufacturing issue at Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD). The list of affected test kit lots was expanded in an August 1st communication from BD, the manufacturer of the BACTECTM  MGITTM 960 PZA test kits. It is currently unknown when new test kits will be available.

In response, the Texas DSHS Laboratory is collaborating with the CDC/DTBE, the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), and several other public health laboratory partners to provide additional capacity for pncA gene sequencing. Sequencing of the pncA gene is an acceptable approach for determining PZA susceptibility as PZA resistance is primarily associated with pncA mutations.

In addition to providing services for the State of Texas’ public health customers, the DSHS Laboratory will be accepting Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Please note that the CDC’s Molecular Detection of Drug Resistance (MDDR) service remains available to all jurisdictions for testing when drug resistance is suspected or known.

Demand for pncA gene mutation analysis may exceed the Lab’s pncA gene sequencing capacity. If you need pncA gene mutation analysis during this unavailability of phenotypic susceptibility testing, submitting labs should prioritize which isolates will be referred for pncA sequencing.

These might include isolates that are rifampin-resistant or multidrug-resistant (MDR) or isolates from patients whose treatment response is of concern.

  • Note: Isolates evaluated by the CDC’s MDDR, or similar services, do not need to be resent for just pncA sequencing as this genetic locus is already included in the full panel for molecular testing.

For situations when PZA might be essential for building a multidrug treatment regimen, but PZA susceptibility cannot be ascertained due to either the lack of testing or the presence of a pncA mutation where correlation with PZA resistance is unknown, consultation with the Heartland National TB Center in San Antonio is strongly advised.

The DSHS Laboratory will provide updates as they become available.


Call the DSHS Mycobacteriology Branch Manager at 512-776-7342 or email

Posted August 23, 2024

DSHS Laboratory Antimicrobial Resistance Trends in Texas

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Public Health Laboratory would like to extend our appreciation to all laboratorians, laboratory managers, and infection preventionists for your invaluable contributions to our Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Laboratory. Your dedication and active participation in the national Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network (ARLN) have been essential in advancing AR testing, raising public health awareness about AR threats, and enhancing our surveillance efforts.

We are excited to share insights into the types of organisms we have encountered in Texas and how these findings align with national public health trends. Read our AR Laboratory Clinical Engagement Letter, summarizing the key achievements of our AR laboratory.

Your continued engagement and expertise are crucial in addressing these emerging trends effectively. We look forward to our continued collaboration and working together to advance public health. Thank you once again for your commitment and support!

DSHS Laboratory Antimicrobial Resistance Website
Questions? Reach out to the AR Laboratory inbox

Posted August 16, 2024

DSHS Lab Web Application System Maintenance Scheduled Sunday, August 11, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

DSHS will be performing system maintenance 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Sunday, August 11, 2024.

During this time, the DSHS Newborn Screening Web Application (Neometrics) and the DSHS Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry Web Application (Public Health Lab Online) may be unavailable.

Need help?
Contact DSHS Laboratory:

Phone: 1-888- 963-7111 ext. 7318 or Locally: 512-776-7318

Posted August 9, 2024

DSHS Austin Laboratory Phone and Fax Services Technical Issues - July 9, 2024

The DSHS Austin Laboratory is experiencing intermittent technical issues with outbound phone and fax systems and is unable to make phone calls or send faxes to various areas of Texas. The issue is being investigated and evaluated for resolution.
In the interim, the Laboratory is using alternative means to contact our submitters. If you receive a request to call the DSHS Laboratory, please do so. Alternatively, use email to initiate communication directly with your Laboratory contact.  

DSHS Austin Laboratory Contact

Phone Number


AR Laboratory Network

AR Lab Network Liaison


BioThreat Team


Chemical Threat Team


Clinical Chemistry Educator


Clinical Chemistry Specimen Logistics

512-776-6237 or

Container Supply/Kit Ordering


Environmental Chemistry Unit


Laboratory Reporting Group


Microbiology Laboratory Educator


Microbiology Specimen Logistics


Newborn Screening Educators


Newborn Screening Specimen Logistics


Specimen Acquisition

(512) 776-7598 or
ext. 7578 (toll free)


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this interruption may cause. An update will be provided once the issue is resolved, and phone and fax services are back to normal operation.

The DSHS Austin Laboratory appreciates your patience and dedication to ensuring the best possible health outcomes for all Texans. 

Posted Jul 09, 2024

Ensure Rabies Specimen Mailers are Correctly Labeled for Shipping to DSHS Austin Laboratory 

DSHS Austin Laboratory – Microbiological Sciences Unit Notice

The DSHS Austin Laboratory reminds submitters that to avoid shipping delays, mailing containers with rabies specimens MUST be labeled correctly.  

The outer mailers of ALL rabies specimens must have

  1. the submitter’s name, street address, and contact phone number,
  2. a Biological Substance Category B, UN3373 label (sticker or hand-drawn),
  3. notices stating “ATTN: Rabies Team” and “Must be Refrigerated on Arrival”, and
  4. the name of the DSHS Laboratory’s Point of Contact: Salvador Arreola, the Laboratory’s Street address, and phone number.

Salvador Arreola,
Texas Department of State Health Services,
Public Health Laboratory Division,
1100 W. 49th Street,
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: 512-776-7595


An example of how the outer mailer of a rabies specimen should be labeled.

If you do not have access to premade UN3373 stickers, you may draw the label directly onto the shipping box with a black permanent marker. The sides of the diamond must be at least 2 inches long. “Biological Substance Category B” must be written below the diamond.

All rabies specimens, including animal heads must be double bagged. Heads of small animals must be double bagged in sealable bags. Double bag the heads of larger animals in appropriately sized bags such as red biohazard bags or sturdy garbage bags. Bats MUST be deceased and in clear, sealable bags. Securely close all bags to prevent leaks.

NOTE: Ship specimens with ice packs to keep them cool in the elevated temperatures encountered during transit. High temperatures accelerate tissue decomposition which can compromise test results. 

The Rabies Laboratory does not recommend shipping specimens via USPS. If there is no other shipping alternative available to you, please add the code “MC1947” to the Laboratory’s street address to ensure the specimen gets delivered correctly by USPS.

Refer to the printable guidance Submitting Rabies Specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for detailed packaging and shipping instructions.

Questions about Rabies Testing and Shipping?

Rabies Team: (512) 776-7595 or
Specimen Acquisition Group: (512) 776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 
ext. 7598 (toll free) 

Overnight/Priority Shipping Address for Rabies Specimens

Salvador Arreola
Texas Department of State Health Services
Laboratory Services Section
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: 512-776-7595

Posted Jul 3, 2024

Rabies Notification Form Available Online

The DSHS Austin Rabies Laboratory is pleased to announce the launch of the new rabies specimen notification form. The notification form can be completed and submitted online. 
Submitters may still notify the Laboratory of a specimen submission by calling the Rabies Hotline at 1-800-252-8163.

Due to the serious nature of rabies, submitters are required by law to notify the Austin Laboratory that a rabies specimen is on its way. A G-9 specimen submission form is also required with each specimen. Completing and submitting a G-9 Form provides the Rabies Laboratory staff with vital information about potential human and/or animal exposure to rabies.


  • Do not submit live animals to the Laboratory.
  • Texas summers are HOT. Ship specimens with multiple ice packs to keep them cold while in transit. 

Notification + G-9 Form + Animal head (or whole bat/small rodent) = Testable Specimen 

Refer to the printable guidance Submitting Rabies Specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for detailed packaging and shipping instructions.

Questions about Rabies Testing and Shipping?

Rabies Team: 512-776-7595 or
Specimen Acquisition Group: 512-776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 
ext. 7598 (toll free) 

Overnight/Priority Shipping Address for Rabies Specimens 

Salvador Arreola
Texas Department of State Health Services
Public Health Laboratory Division
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199

Phone: 512-776-7595

Posted Jul 3, 2024

DSHS Austin Laboratory Independence Day Closure

The DSHS Austin Microbiology Laboratory will be closed Thursday, July 4.

  • Do not ship microbiology specimens for Thursday, July 4 delivery. 
  • Emergency rabies testing is available only for specimens dropped off before 8 a.m. Thursday, July 4
    • Emergency rabies testing requires prior authorization by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 3 from the Rabies Laboratory.
  • TB Elimination submitters should not collect or ship specimens on Wednesday, July 3. Due to the extreme heat, ice packs will not remain frozen over the holiday. Specimen quality may be affected, causing specimens to be rejected.
  • Bacteriology water samples will not be accepted from Wednesday, July 3 to Friday, July 5.
    • Regular water sample acceptance will resume Monday, July 8.
  • Do not collect or ship gonorrhea antimicrobial susceptibility specimens Wednesday, July 3. These specimens must be tested within 24 hours of collection. 

With the exception of bacteriology water sample analysis, the Microbiology Laboratory will resume normal business hours Friday, July 5.

"High temperature with solid fill"


SUMMER HEAT REMINDER: Please ship refrigerated specimens with multiple ice packs and frozen specimens with enough dry ice to keep them cold/frozen for up to 48 hours. Improve insulation and cushioning of specimen by packing empty space in shipping container with absorbent material.

Questions about Shipping and the Holiday Closure?

Rabies Team: (512) 776-7595 or
TB Team: (512)-776-7342 or
Specimen Intake Team: (512) 776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 ext. 7598 (toll free) 

Posted Jul 2, 2024

Specimens from Patients Under the Age of 14 are now Accepted for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Screening at the DSHS Austin Laboratory

Effective 5/28/2024, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Austin Laboratory is accepting specimens collected from patients under the age of 14 for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) screening by amplified RNA probe.

For information on the appropriate GC/CT screening specimen types and specimen submission details refer to the one-page flyer.


Ordering kits: Email:

Specimen Collection/Suitability: Call (512) 776-7657 or 512-776-2449

Specimen Shipping: (512) 776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 ext. 7578 (toll free)

Supply Ordering: (512) 776-7661 or

Submitter Accounts, Submission Forms, or Result Reports: (512) 776-7578 or

Posted May 24, 2024

Malaria Testing at the DSHS Austin Laboratory

The DSHS Laboratory works with local and regional healthcare facilities and laboratories across Texas to rapidly detect parasitic diseases and prevent their spread. To ensure the timely detection of parasitic diseases, including suspected cases of malaria, the DSHS Laboratory reminds providers that testing for the presence of Plasmodium spp. in clinical specimens is available via Giemsa-stained morphological exam and Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (real-time PCR).

Required Specimens

  • For Morphological Examination (by Giemsa Stain)
    • Prepared Peripheral Blood Smears: Make thin and thick smears within one hour of specimen collection from finger prick collection.
    • Whole Blood: Collect venipuncture blood in EDTA purple/lavender
       top tubes.
  • For Real-Time PCR Testing
    • Whole Blood: Collect venipuncture blood in EDTA purple/lavender
       top tubes.

Required Storage and Shipping Temperatures

  • Thick and Thin Blood Smear Specimens:
    • Ship at ambient temperatures but may also be submitted cold with whole blood specimens.
  • Whole Blood Specimens:
    • Store at 2°C–8°C. Ship overnight in insulated containers with cold packs.

Required Specimen Submission Form and Supplemental Information

  • All specimens must be submitted with a G2-B Specimen Submission Form.
  • Patient’s travel history and transfusion history is required.

NEW SUBMITTERS: To set up a submitter account, download a Submitter ID Number Request Form, available at Submitter ID Request February 2022 ( Complete all applicable fields and email form to or fax to 512-776-7533. A Lab Reporting team member will create a submitter account, provide a G2-B submission form, a supply order form, and Security Rights forms to request Web Portal access.

Malaria Testing and Specimen Submission Questions?

For questions about morphological examination, real-time PCR testing or specimen suitability, please contact the Medical Parasitology Team at (512) 776-7560 or

Refer to the printable one-page flyers for more guidance on collecting and shipping malaria specimens to the DSHS Laboratory.

Posted May 15, 2024

Request for Submission of Cryptosporidiosis Specimens to Texas DSHS Laboratory

Cryptosporidium (Crypto) parasites cause the gastrointestinal illness cryptosporidiosis. Both the parasite and the illness are commonly called “Crypto.” Infection with Crypto can be life threatening to immunocompromised individuals. The Crypto parasites’ chlorine tolerance has led to it become a leading cause of recreational waterborne illness in the U.S. Outbreaks of Cryptosporidiosis have occurred every year in Texas for over 10 years.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in CryptoNet, a surveillance program developed to identify and track Cryptosporidium species, genotypes, and subtypes linked to illnesses.

We are requesting clinical laboratories send all appropriate* Cryptosporidium positive stool specimens to the DSHS Laboratory in Austin for molecular analysis. These specimen submissions will help improve the epidemiological understanding of cryptosporidiosis and improve the response to future outbreaks.

Why the Request to Submit Crypto Stool Specimens?

  • Cryptosporidiosis is a Reportable Condition in Texas. Confirmed and suspected positive Crypto cases must be reported to the health department in the patient’s county of residence.
    Submitting clinical specimens from these patients to the DSHS Laboratory is highly encouraged.

  • This Test is Free! Submitting laboratories will not be charged for testing specimens sent for this surveillance project. A final report with PCR results will be issued to submitters.

*For appropriate Crypto specimen type and specimen submission details, please refer to the one-page flyer.

NEW SUBMITTERS may set up a submitter account by downloading a Submitter ID Number Request Form, available on the DSHS website at Submitter ID Request ( Complete all applicable fields and email the form to or fax to 512-776-7533. A Lab Reporting team member will create a submitter account, provide a G-2B submission form and Security Right forms to request Web Portal access. 

EXISTING SUBMITTERS may update their contact information by providing the updates in a Submitter ID Number Request Form and emailing the form to or faxing 512-776-7533. 

Additional guidance on obtaining a DSHS submitter ID number, labeling specimens correctly, and completing submission forms is available on the DSHS Specimen Collection webpages. 

Shipping Information and Addresses

  • Ensure Cary-Blair specimens are shipped cold.

  • Ship specimens as a Category B Biological Substance, UN3373.

  • Information on submitter responsibilities when shipping infectious substances is available on the DSHS Specimen Shipping webpages.

Overnight/Priority Courier Service 

Specimen Receiving: Walter Douglass 

Public Health Laboratory Division 
Department of State Health Services 
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199 

Phone: 512-776-7569 


Posted May 15, 2024

Request for Submission of Norovirus Specimens to the Texas DSHS Austin Laboratory

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Laboratory requests facilities submit norovirus (NoV) clinical specimens to the Laboratory for molecular analysis. Norovirus outbreaks tend to be underreported to public health officials, so the true incidence of this foodborne illness is likely higher. Testing patients for unknown gastrointestinal illnesses is essential for clinical decision-making and for community outbreak detection and investigations. 

During outbreak investigations, your local or regional health departments may request that you forward clinical specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for molecular analysis. It is essential that you submit requested specimens to help DSHS epidemiologists link individual cases during outbreak investigations. 

FREE NoV TEST - There is no charge to the submitter for testing clinical specimens requested for NoV outbreak investigation purposes. 
Please Note: Testing is free only for NoV specimens that are requested by an epidemiologist for outbreak investigations. 

SHIP NoV Specimens COLD - Specimens that arrive ambient cannot be tested. Be sure to ship with enough cold packs to keep the specimens cool for up to 48 hours.

Refer to the printable one-page flyers for more guidance on collecting and shipping norovirus specimens to the Laboratory. 

NEW SUBMITTERS may set up a submitter account by downloading a Submitter ID Number Request Form, available on the DSHS website at Submitter ID Request ( Complete all applicable fields and email the form to or fax to 512-776-7533.
A Lab Reporting team member will create a submitter account, provide a G-2B submission form, and Security Right forms to request Web Portal access.

EXISTING SUBMITTERS may update their contact information by providing the updates in a Submitter ID Number Request Form and emailing the form to or faxing 512-776-7533. 

Shipping Address for Overnight/Priority Courier Service

Specimen Receiving: Walter Douglass
Public Health Laboratory Division,

Department of State Health Services
1100 W. 49th Street 
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: 512-776-7569

Norovirus Questions? 

  • For laboratory questions about NoV testing or specimen suitability, please contact the Molecular Biology Team Lead at (512) 776-6510.
  • For questions related to DSHS’ NoV surveillance project (CaliciNet), please email

For more information on specimen packaging and shipping, check out the shipping and submission guidance webpage.

Posted May 14, 2024

Request for Submission of Cyclospora Specimens to Texas DSHS Austin Laboratory

Cyclosporiasis is a foodborne disease caused by the protozoan parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis. Most cyclosporiasis cases tend to occur seasonally between the months of April and August. Symptoms of cyclosporiasis include abdominal pain and severe, watery diarrhea that can last several weeks. Immunocompromised individuals are at increased risk of severe complications from the illness.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to identify and sequence Cyclospora specimens linked to cyclosporiasis outbreaks. Therefore, we request clinical laboratories send all appropriate* Cyclospora positive stool specimens to the DSHS Austin Laboratory for molecular analysis.

These specimens will help us detect disease clusters more quickly and improve the public health response to future outbreaks.

Why the Request to Submit Cyclospora Stool Specimens?

  • Cyclosporiasis is a Reportable Condition in Texas. Confirmed and suspected positive cyclosporiasis cases must be reported to the health department in the patient’s county of residence. Submitting clinical specimens from these patients to the DSHS Lab is highly encouraged.

  • This Test is Free! Submitting providers or laboratories will not be charged for testing and sequencing specimens submitted for this surveillance project. A final report with PCR results will be sent to submitters.

*For appropriate Cyclospora specimen type and specimen submission details, refer to the informational flyer.

NEW SUBMITTERS: To set up a submitter account, download a Submitter ID Number Request Form. Complete all applicable fields and email to or fax to 512-776-7533. A Lab Reporting team member will create a submitter account, provide a G-2B submission form, a supply order form, and Security Rights forms to request Web Portal access.

Additional guidance on obtaining a DSHS submitter ID number, labeling specimens correctly, and complete submission forms is available on the DSHS Specimen Collection webpages.

Shipping Information and Addresses

Ship specimens overnight as a Category B Biological Substance, UN3373. Information on submitter responsibilities when shipping infectious substances is available on the DSHS Specimen Shipping webpages.

Overnight/Priority Courier Service

Specimen Receiving: Walter Douglass
Laboratory Services Section
Department of State Health Services
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199


Posted April 12, 2024

A message from Grace Kubin, Ph.D., Associate Commissioner, DSHS Public Health Laboratory Division

It’s that time of year again! Each year, the DSHS Austin Public Health Laboratory conducts a survey, open to all our customers, to provide important feedback on laboratory services. Your feedback is used by the laboratory to better understand your needs and identify gaps in service as part of the laboratory's commitment to continuous quality improvement. If you are interested to view the results of last year’s survey: 2023 Annual DSHS Laboratory Customer Service Survey Results Summary.

I encourage you to take the 2024 Public Health Laboratory Customer Service Survey. It should not take more than 10 minutes to complete. For questions or concerns, please send an email to:

 2024 Public Health Laboratory Customer Service Survey.

**Feedback will be collected until April 30, 2024**

Posted April 1, 2024

DSHS Austin Laboratory Thanksgiving Holiday Closure Reminder

With the exception of Newborn Screening and Rabies testing, the DSHS Austin Laboratory will be closed, and no testing will occur Thursday, 11/23/2023 through Saturday, 11/25/2023. The DSHS Laboratory is completely closed on Sundays. Testing services will resume as normal, Monday, 11/27/2023.
See below for more details on selected testing.

Newborn Screening (NBS)

  • The Newborn Screening Laboratory will be closed Thanksgiving Day, Thursday 11/23/2023 and will resume testing on Friday, 11/24/2023.
  • DO NOT DELAY collection or shipment of newborn screening specimens.
  • Ship dried specimens within 24 hours of collection. If mail or courier services are unavailable, ship as soon as possible. 
  • DSHS recommends shipping specimens using an overnight or trackable service like USPS priority mail, FedEx, and UPS.

Clinical Chemistry

  • Total hemoglobin, lead, glucose, and lipid/cholesterol specimens must be received by Wednesday, 11/22/2023 to complete testing before the holiday closure.
  • DO NOT ship cholesterol, lipid profile, or glucose specimens on Fridays or on the day before a state-observed holiday.


Rabies Specimens:

  • Rabies specimens received after 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, 11/22/2023 will be tested Friday, 11/24/2023. Submitters will be notified of positive results by 12:00 p.m. Friday. All other results will be available Monday 11/27/2023.

  • Emergency testing will be available Friday, 11/24/2023 and Saturday, 11/25/2023 only by prior arrangement with Rabies testing staff. Call (512) 776-7595 before 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, 11/22/2023 to discuss. Specimen receipt must be guaranteed by 8:00 a.m. the morning of testing. Preliminary results will be called out as soon as emergency testing is completed. Final results will be available Monday 11/27/2023.
  • All other specimens will be tested on Monday, 11/27/2023, and results will be available by 5:00 p.m.

Tuberculosis (TB) Specimens:

  • Do not ship specimens for delivery between Wednesday, 11/22/2023 and Saturday, 11/25/2023. Refrigerate specimens collected during this period until shipping is possible.
  • Ensure critical AFB Smear and NAA for M. tuberculosis specimens are delivered by 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 11/22/2023. 
  • Call (512) 776-7342 before 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 11/22/2023 for expedited test requests.

Candida auris Swab Specimens:

  • Do not ship swabs for delivery from Wednesday, 11/22/2023 to Saturday, 11/24/2023.

Swabs collected during this period must be refrigerated and shipped on cold packs for delivery when Laboratory is open.

Carbapenem Resistant Organisms Swab Specimens:

  • Do not collect or ship swabs from Tuesday, 11/21/2023 to Saturday, 11/24/2023.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Specimens:

  • Do not collect or ship swabs from Tuesday, 11/21/2023 to Saturday, 11/24/2023.

Bacteriology Water Samples:

  • Water samples will not be accepted at DSHS Laboratory from Wednesday, 11/22/2023 to Saturday, 11/25/2023.

All Other Microbiology Specimens or Samples:

  • Do not ship specimens for delivery between Thursday, 11/23/2023 and Saturday, 11/25/2023. Store specimens collected during this time at an appropriate temperature, e.g. -70°C, or below for clinical virology samples. 
  • No tests will be performed from Thursday, 11/23/2023 to Saturday, 11/25/2023.

Ordering Laboratory Supplies:

Newborn Screening Medicaid/Paid Card Order Requests

  • Priority overnight shipping requests received on Wednesday 11/22/2023 will be processed and shipped via FedEx Priority Overnight.
  • All requests received before noon Wednesday 11/22/2023 will be processed and shipped via FedEx Ground.
  • Requests received after noon Wednesday 11/22/2023 through Saturday 11/25/2023 will be sent Monday, 11/27/2023.

Texas Health Steps/PKU/TB/HIV/Courier Supply Order Requests

  • All requests received on Wednesday 11/22/2023 will be audited, issued, and shipped via FedEx Ground.
  • Requests received before 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday 11/22/2023 will be audited, issued, and shipped via FedEx Ground Wednesday afternoon, 11/22/23.
  • Requests received after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday 11/22/2023 through Sunday 11/26/2023 will be audited, issued, and shipped on Monday 11/27/2023 via FedEx Ground.

***Per FedEx website, FedEx Ground will be closed Thursday 11/23/2023 but will deliver packages Friday 11/24/2023.***


Newborn Screening General Inquiries: (512) 776-7333
Microbiology General Inquiries: (512) 776-7599
Clinical Chemistry General Inquiries: (512) 776-6236

Newborn Screening:
Clinical Chemistry:
Microbiology Branch:
Specimen Submission:
Container Preparation: 

Posted November 9, 2023

DSHS Laboratory – Microbiological Sciences Unit Notice

Effective November 1, 2023, the Texas DSHS Austin Laboratory will no longer provide serologic testing services for Plague (Yersinia pestis), IgG. 

If specimens for this assay are received at the Laboratory on or after November 1, 2023, Laboratory staff will contact the submitter to choose how to proceed with the specimens from the options below:

  • Option 1: Cancel the test and appropriately discard the specimens.
  • Option 2: Forward the specimens to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for testing with no shipping charges for submitter. Yersinia pestis serology testing at CDC has a projected turnaround time of two weeks.

Yersinia pestis Serology Testing Questions?

Contact the Serological Analysis Group
Phone: (512) 776-7760 or 1 (888) 963-7111 ext. 7760 (Toll Free)

Posted Nov 01, 2023

Retirement of Bordetella spp. PCR and Culture Testing Services at DSHS Laboratory

DSHS Laboratory – Microbiology Unit Notice

Retirement of Bordetella spp. Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and B. pertussis Culture Identification Testing Services at DSHS Laboratory

Effective October 1, 2023, the DSHS Austin Microbiology Laboratory will no longer conduct Bordetella spp. Real-Time PCR and B. pertussis culture identification testing services.


Posted Sep 27, 2023

****Effective Immediately****
Measles IgM Testing Information

Due to delays in the manufacture of Measles IgM EIA kits, the DSHS Laboratory is temporarily unable to perform Measles IgM testing. During this time, all specimens received at DSHS Laboratory requesting this test will be forwarded to Quest Diagnostics laboratory for processing.

Measles IgM test results will continue to be reported from DSHS Laboratory but will include an additional attached report displaying the Quest results.

Please continue to submit specimens for Measles IgM testing to DSHS Laboratory following specimen submission requirements.

DSHS Laboratory anticipates the Measles IgM EIA kits will be available again no later than March 2024. The Laboratory will release a follow-up notification when the issue is resolved.

Questions or Comments?

Call toll-free: 1-888-963-7111 ext. 7760

Call Local: 512-776-7760


Posted Sep 21, 2023

Do Not Submit Live Animals to DSHS Laboratory for Rabies Testing

The DSHS Austin Laboratory reminds submitters that we cannot accept live animals for rabies testing. Please refrain from delivering or shipping live bats or other live animals to the Laboratory.

Bats must be submitted

  • deceased,
  • in a clear, sealable bag, **New Requirement**
  • triple packed, per submission guidelines.

Double bag the heads of larger animals in appropriately sized bags such as red biohazard bags or sturdy garbage bags. Securely close the bags to prevent leaks. 

NOTE: Ship all specimens with ice packs to keep them cool in the elevated temperatures encountered during transit. High temperatures accelerate tissue decomposition which can compromise rabies test results.

Refer to the printable guidance Submitting Rabies Specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for detailed packaging and shipping instructions.

Questions about Rabies Testing and Shipping?

  • Rabies Team: (512) 776-7595 or
  • Specimen Acquisition Group: (512) 776-7598 or 1-888-963-7111 ext. 7598 (toll free) 

Overnight/Priority Shipping Address

Texas Department of State Health Services
Laboratory Services Section
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199

Posted Aug 11, 2023

Upcoming Training Webinars

During September and November 2022, the Denver Prevention Training Center and Texas Department of State Health Services will host two webinars on the management of gonorrhea and syphilis in Texas. 

Managing Superbugs: Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea (GC) in Texas 
Topics to be discussed include: 

  • Current trends in the prevalence of gonorrhea and antibiotic resistant N. gonorrhoeae in Texas. 
  • The new GC test to be offered by DSHS—gonorrhea antimicrobial susceptibility testing. 

Date: Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. CST
Continuing Education Credits: 2 hours (CME/NCPD)
Cost: Free

Exploring an Epidemic: Managing Syphilis During Pregnancy in Texas 
Topics to be discussed include: 

  • Current trends in the prevalence of syphilis in the general population and in pregnant women in Texas. 
  • Statewide efforts to address congenital syphilis. 

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. CST
Continuing Education Credits: 2 hours (CME/NCPD)
Cost: Free

Posted September 20, 2022

Effective 8/22/2022, the Texas Department of State Health Services Laboratory is now providing initial serologic screening testing services for chronic Chagas disease (Chagas IgG).

Medical providers are encouraged to submit serologic specimens to the DSHS Laboratory for screening. Chagas disease, which is caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is a reportable condition to DSHS. The expansion of Chagas disease testing services at the Austin Laboratory will contribute to the surveillance and tracking of this reportable disease in Texas. 

View a description of the Chagas IgG tests, acceptable specimen types, and possible test results.

For questions about Chagas testing or specimen suitability, contact the Serological Analysis Team at 512-776-7657 or 512-776-7760.

For information regarding specimen packaging and shipping, call Specimen Receiving at (512) 776-7598.

Posted September 16, 2022

Beat the Summer Heat: Tips on How to Package Temperature-Sensitive Specimens to Keep Them Cold in Transit

DSHS Austin Laboratory – Microbiological Sciences and Clinical Chemistry Branch Notice

The DSHS Austin Laboratory reminds submitters to pack temperature-sensitive specimens with enough refrigerant to keep them frozen or cold for up to 48 hours to account for the hot Texas summers and elevated temperatures in transport vehicles. 

Several specimen types, including whole blood, plasma, serum, stool, exudate, rabies, and several clinical and environmental swabs specimens require cold shipping to the laboratory. Specimens that need to be shipped cold but arrive at the lab at ambient temperature are deemed to be unacceptable and may not be testable. 

Tips on packing and shipping temperature-sensitive specimens:

  • Ship temperature sensitive specimens overnight to the DSHS laboratory as soon as possible after collection. 
  • Identify the appropriate refrigerant for the specimen (e.g., dry ice, frozen gel packs, ice packs, or wet ice).
  • Pack specimen with enough refrigerant to keep it cold for up to 48 hours to account for the possibility of delays in delivery to the lab, particularly during the hot Texas summer temperatures
  • Pack remaining gaps in the container with additional absorbent insulation (such as newspaper, paper towels, cotton wadding, etc.) to reduce the volume and movement of warm air within the container. Minimizing open space in containers will keep contents colder for longer.
  • Do NOT ship for a weekend or holiday delivery; specimens are accepted during regular business hours only* (Mon. – Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). Alternatively, keep specimen chilled until it can be delivered on a weekday.

*Saturday delivery of rabies specimens for same day testing is available in emergency situations only. Specimens must arrive at lab before 8:00 a.m. for same-day results. The rabies lab must first be notified by phone or email about a specimen submission. Call the Rabies Notification line at 1-800-252-8163 (toll free) or complete the Electronic Rabies Specimen Submission Notification Form.

The DSHS Laboratory staff thank you for your assistance with optimizing specimen submission and testing processes!

Additional Submission and Shipping Guidance Is Available

Antibiotic Resistance Lab Network Refer to specimen preparation and submission guidelines for carbapenem resistant organisms and Candida spp

Arbovirus Specimen Submitters: Refer to specimen packaging and shipping guidance at Arbovirus Field Surveillance Techniques.

Clinical Specimen Submitters: Refer to the appropriate test description in the LTSM’s Microbiology Test list for shipping and specimen handling requirements.

Food Sample Submitters: Refer to the food sample packaging and shipping instructions on the Consumer Microbiology Lab’s webpage

Rabies Specimen Submitters: Refer to specimen handling and shipping guidance on the Rabies Lab’s webpage

Questions about Shipping or Specimen Packaging/Container? 
Call Specimen Receiving at (512) 776-7598

Laboratory Shipping Address

For Overnight/Priority Shipping 

Texas Department of State Health Services
Laboratory Services Section
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199

Posted August 4, 2022

Closure of Austin Greyhound Bus Station: Alternative Means of Submitting Rabies and Mosquito Specimens to Texas DSHS Austin Laboratory Required 

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Austin Laboratory has been notified that the Greyhound Bus terminal at 916 E Koenig Ln. Austin, TX 78751 will permanently close May 31, 2022, but are ceasing freight 15, 2022. The Austin terminal closure will affect the ground transportation options available for shipping rabies and mosquito specimens to the Laboratory. From May 15 onward, rabies specimens will need to be delivered directly to the Austin Laboratory or transported by an alternative courier service of your choice. DSHS is currently investigating alternative shipping arrangements and will notify submitters of new options, if available. Should you have questions about the closure of the Greyhound station, call (512) 776-7598.

Note: Specimens sent to the Austin Greyhound terminal for pick up by laboratory staff on or after May 15 cannot not be collected and could be returned or lost! 

  • Packages transported by ground and overnight courier services (USPS, FedEx, UPS, LoneStar Overnight, etc.) are not affected by the Austin Greyhound terminal closure and will be accepted at the Laboratory during regular business hours Monday–Friday (8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.).
  • Hand-delivered samples are unaffected by the closure and may be delivered to Specimen Acquisition (Laboratory Specimen Receiving Dock) during regular business hours. Refer to the DSHS campus map for direction to the Specimen Receiving Dock, which is highlighted in yellow.
  • Regulatory packaging and shipping requirements are unaffected by the closure. Per regulations 49 CFR § 171-173, all rabies specimens must be packaged and properly labeled for shipping as a Biological Substance, Category B UN3373. Mosquito specimens must be shipped using the plastic collection cartons and insulated boxes provided by the Laboratory.
  • Submitters of rabies specimens are still required to call the toll-free Rabies Hotline at 1-800-252-8163 to alert the Laboratory of the expected arrival time and to provide any other relevant information about the shipment. 
  • DSHS does not recommended specimens be shipped for weekend or holiday delivery, including by couriers that may offer weekend deliveries. 

In the Event of an Emergency Situation 

  • Rabies Specimens: For emergency processing of a specimen on a Saturday, the submitter must first receive prior approval from the DSHS Laboratory. Contact the Rabies Identification Team before 4 p.m. on Friday at (512) 776-7595. After 4 p.m. Friday, call (512) 776-7111 and request to speak with a regional Zoonosis Control staff member. The specimen must arrive at the lab by 8 a.m. Saturday. 
  • Mosquito Specimens: Call the DSHS Arbovirus/Entomology Laboratory Team at (512) 776-2442, or toll free at 
    (888) 963-7111 ext. 2442 to discuss special testing requests. 

Additional Shipping and Packaging Information

Shipping Addresses

Rabies Specimens
ATTN: Rabies Team
Texas Department of State Health Services
Laboratory Services Section 
1100 W. 49th Street 
Austin, TX 78756

For laboratory questions about rabies testing or specimen suitability, contact the Rabies Identification Team at

(512) 776-7595, or email

Mosquito Specimens 

ATTN: Arbovirus/Entomology Team
Texas Department of State Health Services 
Laboratory Services Section
1100 W. 49th Street 
Austin, TX 78756

For laboratory questions about mosquito/arbovirus testing or specimen suitability, contact Bethany Bolling at (512) 776-2442, or email

Posted May 6, 2022