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Child Safety Seat Checkup Events and Inspection Stations

Image of Child Passenger Safety Technician with a Mother and Child at a Safety Seat Checkup Event

During a child safety seat checkup event or inspection station, a certified child passenger safety (CPS) technician will work with the family. During the event, the technician will check for correct seat use based on the child's:

  • Age;
  • Height;
  • Weight; and
  • Development.

Technicians will also provide education to parents and caregivers on proper harnessing, fit, and correct installation in their vehicle. This public service is free-of-charge. Download what you can expect from a CPS technician

If you need a car seat, please visit the Safe Riders main webpage for information about eligibility. To find a Safe Riders distribution site near you, please refer to our Safe Riders partner map.

Find an In-Person Car Seat Inspection Station

Texas Child Safety Seat Inspection Stations

Safe Kids coalitions hold regular inspection station events. Find a coalition near you:

Austin Area

Dallas Area

  • Safe Kids Greater Dallas led by Children’s Health - to make an appointment, call 214-456-2059.

Fort Worth Area

Houston Area

For help finding an in-person car seat checkup event or certified technician near you, please contact Safe Riders ( or 1-800-252-8255).

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