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Sickle Cell Disease Photoblog

Andre Harris: The Patient Advocate

Andre Harris is a PhD candidate in Social Work at the University of Houston and is a member of several sickle cell disease advisory boards. Andre lives and thrives with sickle cell disease.

Andre as a child sitting on a couchWhat is it like living with sickle cell disease?

The best answer to that question is: unpredictable. You never know what’s going to happen. I wish people truly grasped how dangerous this disease is and how much extra support we are not seeing from the collective community.

Have you experienced challenges in health care?

IAndre with two service dogs always feel like I’m treated differently when I present to the emergency room for pain - I’m treated like a dog. The questioning, second-guessing, and doubting, to me, are unique to sickle cell.

​What is your primary goal for sickle cell disease advocacy?

I want to inspire more people to learn about sickle cell and get involved to make a tangible difference. I want to inspire more people to donate blood and bone marrow, and to host sickle cell blood drives and health fairs.

Andre wearing a purple suitWho has influenced you the most?

My parents. They taught me that despite my illness, I still could do what I wanted to do and that no one else could stop me. My disease will not and cannot be the automatic disqualifying feature in my life.


Photos chosen and provided by Andre Harris​.

This project was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DD-23-0002).        

Originally published September 2024.