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Protected Information

The following information will not be released or shared, as required by Government Code, Section 552.11765:  

  • The CHW or CHWI application
  • Home address, city, and zip
  • Home phone (unless the home phone is also the business phone)
  • Email address (unless the email address is also the business email address)
  • Date of birth

This applies to open records requests and other requests for information.

Government Code, Section 552.138 also allows survivors of family violence, domestic violence, and sexual assault, including current or former clients of a family violence shelter center, victims of trafficking shelter center, or sexual assault programs who previously held, or are applicants for CHW or CHWI certification, to request personal information be confidential.

In addition to the information above, the following information will not to be released or shared if the CHW or CHWI submits the Texas Government Code Section 552.138 Public Access Notice Form available on the Office of Attorney General website to restrict public access to the information.

  • Name
  • Mobile or work phone
  • Place of current employment
  • Work address
  • Course locations