Family Caregiver Resources
Having a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease can change family relationships. Children often become caregivers and decision-makers for parents or other relatives. There are many difficult decisions to make, including where the loved one will live, who will provide care, and how to pay for care. Most people with Alzheimer’s disease depend on family members for their care at some point.
Many family caregivers are employed and raising their own families. Their care giving may include providing full-time care, making regular visits, and coordinating care with health care providers. Full-time care giving is stressful and can take a toll on a person’s work and family life. Caregivers need support from friends, family and community support organizations to help them stay strong and healthy.
There are resources across Texas to help family caregivers connect to services for their loved ones and for themselves.
Caregiver Information and Resources
Resources and Support for Family Caregivers
Find community-based organizations, national organizations and government agencies that provide information and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and their caregivers, families and friends.
Options for Care
Learn about various care options for people with Alzheimer’s disease, including home care, day care and memory care facilities.
Advance Directives
Get information and resources to help with health care and financial planning.
Safe Return Facts
Connect to the MedicAlert® + Alzheimer's Association Safe Return® emergency response service for people with Alzheimer’s disease who wander away or have a medical emergency.
Silver Alert Guide (PDF)
Download a brochure to learn about the Silver Alert program that helps locate missing adults ages 65 and older in Texas.
Support for Caregivers
Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers
Learn about a program to help caregivers improve their quality of life and lower stress, depression and anxiety.
Hints for Family Caregivers
Useful tips to help family caregivers cope with the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
Respite (Texas HHS)
Take Time Texas provides a list of respite providers designed to give family caregivers a break.