Beyond the Basics

Are you ready to move your lactation support program to Silver or Gold?

Every Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite (TMFW) will be a little different, depending on the employer's size, the workforce needs, and the nature of the worksite. Some employers provide a basic policy, while others have found, through the success of their program, they review and expand components to further support employees and their families. Employers who provide these added offerings may also be eligible to earn the prestigious silver and gold TMFW designations.

While these added components are not required, businesses who implemented more than the basics report improved retention, reduced absenteeism, increased loyalty, and reduced health-care expenses.

Check out the TMFW Silver and Gold Designation Checklist or print it out to share with those working with you to earn designation.

Some examples of how companies can offer extras beyond the Basic TMFW designation criteria include:

Contact Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite Program staff for additional questions, support, and resources to help you get started with the Silver or Gold Designation.


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