Education and Training - Texas Cancer Registry

The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) Training Team offers a variety of training services and educational resources to Texas Cancer Reporters throughout the year. We sponsor in-person and online training sessions, including NAACCR webinars, Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) exam prep courses, basic and specialized training, advanced workshops, and software training. The TCR also publishes the Cancer Reporting Handbook, which is updated annually to provide guidance to registrars reporting cancer cases in Texas. 

Training Events and Webinars

The TCR training team holds various Training Events throughout the year, including Basic Training  conducted by TCR staff and annual Statewide Training presented by guest speakers. 

The TCR sponsors live broadcast webinars from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR).

To request basic or specialized training by TCR staff, please complete our Training Request Form

Save the Date

The 2024 SEER Advanced Topics for Cancer Registrars will be held virtually, Tuesday, September 24th to Thursday, September 26th, 2024, 11:00am-4:00pm CT.

The workshop will expand registrars’ knowledge of several important topics: in-depth coding for mixed histologies, neoadjuvant treatment for breast, esophageal, and rectal cases, and more. There will be presentations from subject matter experts including surgeons, pathologists, and oncologists.

This workshop will be free and open to all cancer registrars; however, registration is required. Registration for the workshop will begin on August 1st and close on September 9th. The live registration link will be available through NCRA’s website starting on August 1, 2024.

Participants are asked to complete assigned cases in SEER*Educate before the workshop. For more information about the SEER*Educate cases, go to , sign in or sign up (it’s free), select the Training tab, and click on SEER Educational Workshop. In-depth coding and abstracting training during the SEER Workshop will be based on coding of the assigned cases. You are welcome to complete the SEER*Educate cases even if you cannot attend the workshop. CE’s are pending.

Education and Reporter Resources

The Fundamental Learning Collaborative for the Cancer Surveillance Community (FLccSC) is a web-based education platform for all cancer reporters, regardless of your level of expertise. Developed by the Florida Cancer Data System and the South Carolina Central Cancer Registry, it provides online training and continuing education. 

The TCR offers a variety of materials and resources to help cancer reporters understand guidelines for reporting cancer cases to the TCR and follow best coding practices.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the TCR Training Team at