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Registration and Onboarding


The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) has developed an online registration process for physicians wishing to participate in Certified EHR Reporting. If you are participating in CMS Incentive Programs and choosing cancer reporting as an option to meet public health reporting objectives for Meaningful Use, this process will serve as your registration of intent to report to the TCR. 

Once your registration is received, TCR staff will review the information and provide a registration confirmation via email within 14 business days. Once your registration is confirmed, you will be placed in a queue pending next steps. The TCR prioritizes physicians to initiate onboarding and testing based on the following factors: EHR vendor, physician specialty (cancer-related specialties such as oncology, hematology, urology, dermatology, and gastroenterology are given preference), resources, patient volume, and geographic coverage/catchment area. EHR Incentive Program participants who have registered and are awaiting next steps in the queue are considered “actively engaged” for Meaningful Use purposes. Please see the document linked below for additional information.


The Implementation Guide for Ambulatory Healthcare Provider Reporting to Central Cancer Registries, HL7 Clinical Document Architecture [CDA], Release 1.1, March 2014 (IG) provides guidance on submitting data through HL7 for Meaningful Use. Data submitted to the TCR must meet the specifications in the IG to be accepted. Additionally, physicians must have Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) that meets cancer reporting criteria to be onboarded by the TCR. Please see our EHR Certification Criteria page for instructions on determining if your EHR meets the criteria for cancer reporting.


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