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Recognition of TCR Funding Sources

Maintaining a statewide cancer registry that meets Centers for Disease Control and Prevention high quality data standards and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries Gold Certification is accomplished through collaborative funding efforts. The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) recognizes the following whose financial support is essential to accomplishing the TCR mission for Texas and as the fourth largest cancer registry in the United States.

Federal Funding

We acknowledge support from the following federal agencies:

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides financial support under Cooperative Agreement DP22-2202 #1NU58DP007140. The contents of the TCR website are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC or US Department of Health and Human Services.

  • The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program provides financial support under Contract #75N91021D00011.

State Agency Funding

We acknowledge support from the following Texas state agencies:

  • Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
  • Texas Department of State Health Services 

Academic Institutions

Appreciation is also extended to the following academic institutions for their past funding of the Texas Cancer Registry.

Through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:

  • University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
  • Baylor College of Medicine
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Additional financial support was provided by:

  • University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
  • University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
  • Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • University of Houston
  • University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of Texas at Arlington
  • Texas State University - San Marcos
  • University of Texas at Brownsville
  • Texas Woman's University
  • Texas Southern University
  • University of Texas - Pan American
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • Stephen F. Austin State University
  • University of Houston - Clear Lake
  • University of Texas at Dallas


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