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Preparedness and Response - Public Health Region 9/10

Mission Statement

To improve the health, safety and well-being of Texans with a focus on Disaster Emergency Support Functions (ESF 8) during public health emergencies.

Program Overview

The purpose of the Public Health Preparedness and Response Program is to provide public health leadership and to improve the health and well-being in Texas. This is accomplished by promoting health, preventing disease, injury, and effectively responding to all types of health emergencies. This includes bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and natural disasters. 

The Regional Preparedness Program accomplishes this through networking, standardization of policy and procedures, and coordination efforts with stakeholders. The program integrates its resources and planning efforts not only within the region but across the state. The Preparedness program utilizes the guidance of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) to provide Preparedness leadership, regional stakeholders and DSHS staff, opportunities to exercise and evaluate established regional plans.  The HSEEP guidance allows the Region to identify strengths, weaknesses, and a means to improve current plans, help develop training, and plans for future exercises.

In order to effectively organize regional response activities, the region has three Regional Health and Medical Operations Centers (RHMOC). The RHMOC coordinates public health and medical resources in support of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #8 – Health and Medical Services. The RHMOC provides regional assistance to supplement State and local resources in response to public health and medical care needs during a potentially developing medical crisis, an emergency response, or following a major disaster.


ElPaso RHMOC Midland RHMOC  San Angelo RHMOC 
El Paso RHMOC Midland RHMOC San Angelo RHMOC

A map displays public health office locations and coverage within in public health region 9/10

Program Directory

Name Title Phone Email Office Address
David Kolberson RN, CCHP Program Manager 915-834-7710

401 E. Franklin 
Ste. 210
El Paso, TX 79901

Oscar Vasquez MCM Coordinator 915-834-7851
Vacant Training Specialist n/a n/a
Vacant Program Specialist II n/a n/a
Vacant PH and Prevention Specialist II  n/a n/a
Vacant Administrative Assistant III n/a n/a n/a 
n/a Regional Planner n/a n/a


