Immunization Program - Public Health Region 6/5 South
Brian Gfroerer
Immunization Program Manager
Frequently Visited Weblinks
- Information for Parents
- Information and Programs for Providers
- Recommended Vaccine Schedules
- Texas Vaccine Education Online
Immunization Program Vision
A region free of vaccine-preventable diseases.
Immunization Program Mission
Provide leadership in identifying best practices for increasing vaccine coverage levels and reducing the burden of vaccine-preventable disease in communities.
Increasing vaccine coverage levels of all age groups:
- Performing community outreach activities designed to Increase awareness of the importance of early childhood, adolescent, and adult vaccination to prevent disease
- Promoting age-appropriate vaccination for all Texans
- Assessing vaccine coverage levels
- Providing and administering vaccines
- Conducting disease surveillance activities
- Establishing partnerships and collaborations with public and private healthcare providers sharing the vision of enhanced community well-being while also improving the longevity and quality of life of the people in PHR 6/5S
Collaborating and partnering with others to improve vaccine coverage levels and promote immunizations:
The Immunization Program works with community and civic groups, schools, faith-based organizations, and other agencies to promote immunizations and provide immunization information and education to these groups and the public.
Providing immunization education to the public and medical providers:
The Immunization Program provides education and educational materials to the public on the importance of vaccines, and vaccine-preventable diseases and promotes vaccines and immunizations during National Infant Immunization Week in April, National Immunization Awareness Month in August, Adult Immunization Week in November and National Infant Immunization Week in December.
The Immunization Program provides education and training to medical providers on immunization recommendations and requirements, vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases and surveillance, vaccine storage and handling, vaccine inventory reporting, Texas Vaccines for Children program requirements, ImmTrac2, recall/reminder systems and minimum state vaccine requirements for children and students as well as information on CDC immunization training and conferences.
Access free immunization educational materials and literature.
Promoting the effective use of the Texas Immunization Registry:
ImmTrac2, our statewide Immunization Information System (IIS), is designed to consolidate immunization records from multiple sources throughout the State and offers many benefits to healthcare providers and their patients. Immunization staff members assist with enrollment in the registry, education, and training on the use of the registry, and assistance in locating a shot record. View additional information.
Determining the vaccine coverage levels in Public Health Region 6-5 South:
The Immunization Program determines the vaccine coverage levels in PHR 6/5S by conducting population assessments in childcare facilities, public and private schools, and counties using the Texas Country Retrospective Immunization School Survey (TCRISS). Assessments are also conducted at these facilities to ensure that they are compliant with Texas’s school and childcare vaccine requirements. View more information on these requirements.
Recommended Immunization Schedules
Foreign Travel Vaccines
Some vaccine-preventable diseases are more prevalent in many foreign countries. Depending on your destination, certain vaccines may be required before your departure. Some of these vaccines require more than one dose to provide full protection: it is important to consider the recommended intervals needed between doses well in advance of your departure date to ensure complete immunization. View additional information about which vaccines are required or recommended for foreign travel.
Additional Resources
- Trusted sources of vaccine information
- Immunization Program Newsletter: Learn more and subscribe
Contact Us
To reach an Immunization Program Subject Matter Expert call 713-767-3411 or email us at