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Principal Authors

 The Texas Department of State Health Services wishes to acknowledge the work of the following individuals who contributed their expertise to the development of this fact sheet:

Infectious disease component:

Clinical and differential sections
   Joseph B. McCormick, MD, Assistant Dean and James H. Steele Professor University of Texas Houston Health Science Center School, Brownsville
   Kate Hendricks, MD MPH & TM, Infectious Disease and Surveillance, Department of State Health Services, Austin

Laboratory section
   Susan Fisher-Hoch, MD, Biological Sciences, University of Texas School of Public Health, Brownsville
   Julie Rawlings, MPH, Office of the State Epidemiologist, Department of State Health Services, Austin
   L. Bruce Elliott, DrPH, Director, Microbiological Services Division, Department of State Health Services, Austin

Treatment, prophylaxis, and infection control section
   C. Glen Mayhall, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine, Hospital Epidemiologist, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
   Pediatric dosing for prophylaxis and treatment:
      Sarmistha Hauger, MD, Children’s Hospital of Austin

Vaccination section
   Celine Hanson, MD, Texas Department of State Health Services, Houston

Chemical agents:

Jerry Ann Ward, PhD, Seafood Safety Division, Bureau of Food and Drug Safety, Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin
In conjunction with:
   Stevan Cordas, DO MPH, Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Private Practice. Adjunct Professor, University of North Texas Health
   Patrick J. Crocker, DO MS, FACEP Chief, Emergency Medicine, Brackenridge and Children’s Hospital of Austin


Ronald R. Blanck, DO, President, University of North Texas Health Science Center

Ralph Feigin, MD, President and CEO, Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine and Physician-in-Chief Texas Children's Hospital, Houston

David H. Walker, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Tropical Diseases, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston

María T. Maldonado, Infectious Disease and Surveillance, Department of State Health Services, Austin

Assistant editors and educational advisors

Swati Avashia, MD, EIS Officer, Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin

Julie Moy, MD, Brackenridge Hospital, Austin

Technical advisor

Michael McElwain, MS, Health Alert Network, Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin