Repealed Policies and Procedures
Number | Title | Established | Repealed |
020.060 |
Public Information Request Handling Under the Public Information Act |
6/1997 |
3/2023 |
020.070 |
Placement of Educational Articles in Professional Publications |
2/2011 |
2/2024 |
023.001 |
STD Medication and Phlebotomy Supply Distribution |
7/1995 |
3/2023 |
023.002 |
STD Medication Allocation Formulary, Including Managing Cephalosporin Allergy |
7/1995 |
3/2023 |
035.001 |
Model Education Program for use by Employers to Educate Employees About the HIV Disease and its Progressive Stages |
9/1997 |
5/2024 |
044.012 |
Accessing Restricted Websites for Public Health Activities |
7/2006 |
3/2023 |
090.021 |
HIV/AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines for Businesses, State Agencies, and State Contractors |
1/1990 |
5/2024 |
110.001 |
HIV/STD Guidelines |
8/1997 |
4/2023 |
110.003 |
Prevention Activities Provided to State Agencies by the TB/HIV/STD Section and its Contractors |
4/1999 |
3/2023 |
220.100 |
Purchasing Emergency Medications for Clients Awaiting an Eligibility Decision from the Texas HIV Medication Program |
5/1996 |
3/2023 |
220.101 |
Purchasing Prescription or Over-the-Counter Medications and Vitamins Not Covered by a Third-Party Payor |
3/1998 |
4/2023 |
231.004 |
Documenting Case Management Actions in ARIES |
3/2010 |
6/2023 |
260.001 |
Care for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS Using State Services Funds |
10/1998 |
2/2024 |
319.001 |
Data Management and Security External Quality Assurance Plan |
7/2008 |
3/2024 |
319.002 |
DSHS Data Management and Security Self Assessment Tool |
7/2008 |
3/2024 |
320.001 |
Quality Assurance of Confidentiality for Internal Staff |
7/2008 |
3/2024 |
410.001 |
Hepatitis B Vaccination for Adolescents |
9/1997 |
2/2024 |
410.003 |
Accelerated HIV Intervention Program, Addressing the Potential for Recalcitrant Transmission of HIV in Texas (replaced by policy 2023.015) |
8/2000 |
6/2024 |
420.001 |
Certification of TIPP Programs/Providers as Eligible for the 340B Drug Pricing Program |
11/2015 |
7/2023 |
500.002 |
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Contractor Assurance |
12/1995 |
12/2023 |
500.003 |
Contractor Use of Equipment and Supplies Contractor Assurance |
3/1996 |
12/2023 |
500.005 |
Contractor Review of HIV/AIDS-Related Written and/or Pictorial Materials for Public Use |
5/1999 |
3/2023 |
520.001 |
Consultant Services and Consulting Fees Paid by a Contractor Through Direct Costs |
8/1997 |
2/2024 |
520.002 |
Staff Education, Association Memberships, Training Fees and Insurance Payments Using Contract Funds |
8/1999 |
2/2024 |
522.001 |
Reimbursements to Volunteers Involved in Community Planning or Direct Client Service |
4/1998 |
3/2023 |
525.001 |
Enforcement of Year End Requirements for DSHS Contracts |
2/1999 |
3/2023 |
530.004 |
Legal Planning and the Client/Provider Relationship |
3/1997 |
3/2023 |
540.001 |
Sanctions Imposed Upon a Contractor for Non-Compliance with Contracts Involving State/Federal Funds |
12/1997 |
12/2023 |
540.002 |
Sanctioning an HIV/STD Contractor for Subcontractor Noncompliance |
1/2001 |
12/2023 |
800.001 |
Standard Precautions Preventing the Spread of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitis B in Employees of HIV/STD Funded Programs |
3/1997 |
6/2023 |
800.004 |
Clinical Practice Guidelines for HIV-Infected Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Adults |
10/1997 |
3/2023 |
800.005 |
Phlebotomy Training for Contractor Staff Responsible for HIV/STD Testing |
10/1997 |
6/2023 |
900.001 |
Informed Consent for HIV in a Routine Testing Environment |
9/2010 |
3/2023 |
2009.01 |
TB/HIV/STD Section Procedure for the Review of New Grant Applications, Grant Renewal Applications, Grant Progress Reports and Technical Review Responses |
3/2010 |
5/2024 |
2012.03 |
Alternative Worksite Procedure Due to Power Outage, HVAC System Failure and Other Temporary Environmental Factors |
12/2012 |
2/2024 |
2013.01 |
Ryan White Part B/State Funded Services in Special Care Facilities |
6/2013 |
5/2024 |
2013.02 |
The Use of Testing Technology to Detect HIV Infection |
1/2014 |
6/2023 |
2015.01 |
Temporary Access Badges |
2/2015 |
3/2023 |
2016.02 |
TB/HIV/STD Section Section-Wide Purchasing |
3/2016 |
5/2024 |
2019.01 |
Internal Review of Public Facing Publications |
3/2019 |
3/2023 |
2020.02 |
DSHS Central Pharmacy to Dispense Medications to THMP Participants |
12/2020 |
12/2020 |