Alertas y avisos sanitarios
Manténgase al día sobre noticias y problemas de salud que afectan a Texas. Nuestros comunicados de prensa, actualizaciones de noticias, alertas de salud y avisos de salud lo mantienen informado.
Manténgase al día sobre noticias y problemas de salud que afectan a Texas. Nuestros comunicados de prensa, actualizaciones de noticias, alertas de salud y avisos de salud lo mantienen informado.
Manténgase al día sobre noticias y problemas de salud que afectan a Texas. Nuestros comunicados de prensa, actualizaciones de noticias, alertas de salud y avisos de salud lo mantienen informado.
Texas recibirá más de 400,000 primeras dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 la próxima semana
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) continues to follow the long-standing U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendation that pregnant women who have visited countries where active Zika virus transmission is...
La temporada de gripe está cerca: Vacúnese hoy mismo contra la gripe
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has long considered the southernmost areas of the state to be at greater risk of supporting local mosquito transmission of Zika virus. This is based upon historical experience with local...
AVISO DE SALUD PÚBLICA: Se recomienda notificar infecciones por Cronobacter sakazakii en lactantes
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local partners, are investigating four consumer complaints of infant illness related to products from Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, MI...
Alerta Sanitaria del Zika - 2.4.18
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has updated its statewide testing guidance for asymptomatic pregnant women based on local and national trends and increasing scientific knowledge of the disease and the limitations of available...
Tifus - Alerta Sanitaria - 30.11.17
Due to increased reports of flea-borne (murine) typhus during 2017 from multiple areas of Texas, DSHS is requesting that healthcare providers increase their clinical suspicion for patients presenting with fever and one or more of the following...
Aviso de salud pública: Exposición a desinfectante para manos y otros productos para desinfectar
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is warning the public of improper use of hand sanitizers and disinfectant products during the COVID-19 pandemic.
From March to April, the Texas Poison Center Network (TPCN) has experienced a 64...