Healthcare Providers

The Occupational Health Surveillance Program operates under state laws:
Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 99, Rule 99.1
External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. These sites may also not be accessible to people with disabilities.
Texas law requires reporting of specific occupational diseases to the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). All cases that meet any of the following criteria should be reported:
- A physician’s provisional or working diagnosis of asbestosis or silicosis; or
- A chest radiograph interpreted as consistent with asbestosis or silicosis; or
- Pathologic findings consistent with asbestosis or silicosis.
Reports should contain the following information: patient name, date of birth, gender, race, ethnicity, smoking history, occupational history (including employer, dates of employment, occupation/job activities), diagnosing physician name, physician address, facility name, and physician city.
To report suspected or confirmed cases of asbestosis or silicosis, complete and fax DSHS Form #F09-11626 to the DSHS Occupational Health Surveillance Program at 512-776-7249. Reports can also be made by calling 512-776-7269.