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Tobacco Prevention and Control - Public Health Region 8


Rick Meza
Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist
7430 Louis Pasteur Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
Office: 210-949-2125
Mobile: 210-867-7634
FAX 210-949-2038


The purpose of the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program is to reduce the health and economic cost tobacco has placed on the citizens of Texas.


  • To keep young people and adults from ever beginning to smoke, vape, or use other tobacco-related products
  • To help people stop smoking and using other tobacco-related products
  • To eliminate exposure to tobacco smoke in the environment
  • To find and get rid of disparities among groups of people most at risk for beginning and continuing tobacco use and feeling its harmful effects


  • Help healthcare professionals support patients who want to stop smoking or using tobacco products
  • Help people and community groups, including schools, employers, and local leaders, to find information and resources to prevent and stop smoking and using tobacco products
  • Provide written materials related to smoking and quitting
  • Support coalitions and state-wide media campaigns to teach Texans about tobacco ordinances and laws as well as the dangers of vaping and tobacco use
  • Work with healthcare providers and community organizations who serve groups of people most at risk for using tobacco products to help them prevent and stop vaping and tobacco use 
  • Help people find and use the Quitline resources
  • Share information on current tobacco-related research and statistics

Free Information

  • Brochures and other literature on different tobacco-related topics:
    • Quitting
    • Second-hand smoke
    • Vaping and e-cigarettes
    • Dip or spit tobacco
    • Cigars
    • Youth and tobacco
    • Pregnancy and tobacco
  • Worksite or clinic policy development
  • School resources  

Help to foster a community environment that promotes tobacco prevention and control

  • Find and work with community partners
  • Join and support local coalitions
  • Promote and support tobacco prevention and control policies, ordinances, and regulations
  • Support tobacco prevention community activities, such as Red Ribbon Week, Great American Smokeout, Kick Butts Day, and World No Tobacco Day

For more information or to report illegal tobacco sales to youth, call 1-800-345-6847. For Spanish-speaking help, call 1-855-DEJELO-YA.

Ready to Quit?

Contact for free and private quitting services, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), support, and information at:

877-937-7848 | TTY:  866-228-4237

Additional Resources