Newborn Screening Video Resources

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Newborn Screening Kit Completion (5 minutes)

Shows how to properly complete each section of the blood spot collection kit. Incorrect or missing information can cause delays, specimen rejection, or incorrect evaluation of tests results. 


Collection Video (5 minutes)

Demonstrates the proper procedure for collecting a newborn screen blood specimen. It also provides a few collection tips and shows some things to avoid.

Newborn Screening Bloodspot Card Submission (5 minutes)

Reviews the process for preparing and shipping specimens to the state laboratory. Timely submission of the blood spot kit is as important as completing the kit correctly and obtaining a good quality specimen.

Newborn Screening Follow Up (4 minutes)

Guides medical providers on how they can help after an abnormal screening result is received. It reviews the primary steps taken by newborn screening follow-up staff. Because some babies can have a medical crisis, it is important to notify families and medical personnel as soon as possible. 

More Than Drops On a Card  (5 minutes) features two Texas families. They share their stories of the importance of collecting timely, good quality specimens.
