Hemoglobin Disorders

Hemoglobin disorders (also known as hemoglobinopathies) are rare blood conditions that affect a person’s hemoglobin which is the protein in the blood that carries oxygen. They are inherited conditions that may change the shape or amount of red blood cells in the body. 

There are many different hemoglobinopathies and while some can be severe and need treatment, others may not cause any clinical symptoms and do not require intervention.

Homozygous Beta Thalassemia Major also known as Cooley's Anemia, is an inherited blood disorder that affects a person's ability to produce beta protein, causing anemia. Anemia is also known as having a low blood count. Cooley's anemia is the most severe form of beta thalassemia disease. Read more about Homozygous Beta Thalassemia Major.

Hemoglobin C Disease is an inherited blood disorder that may cause a person to have mild anemia (low blood count). This mild anemia usually does not cause any symptoms or problems. In rare circumstances, there may be a decrease in the blood count due to the increased destruction of the red blood cells. This may occur during an infection. Read more about Hemoglobin C Disease.

Hemoglobin E is a common but minor blood abnormality. Persons with hemoglobin E disorders are usually quite healthy and have no symptoms or problems related to their blood condition. The blood disorder is often identified because there are slight abnormalities in the size and appearance of the red blood cells. Read more about Hemoglobin E.

Sickle Cell Disease includes a group of related disorders that affect a person's red blood cells. With sickle cell disease, a person's red blood cells can become hard, sticky, and sickle shaped. People with sickle cell disease have periods of well-being and stages of illness. Read more about Sickle Cell Disease.