Disease Reporting

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Which sexually transmitted diseases do health care providers need to report in Texas?

Texas Law and Administrative Code requires health care providers to report the following diseases:

HIV and AIDS | Syphilis | Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Chancroid | Hepatitis C

What test results for sexually transmitted diseases do laboratories need to report in Texas?

Texas Law and Administrative Code requires laboratories to report test results for the following diseases:

HIV and AIDS | Syphilis | Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Chancroid | Hepatitis C

NOTE: Communicable disease reporting is exempt from HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).

HIV and AIDS Reporting

How do I report a case of acute HIV?

Call your local reporting authority within one working day.

How do I report non-acute HIV or AIDS cases among adults or adolescents ages 13 and older?

Submit a completed Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form (DSHS 13-13674) to your local reporting authority within seven calendar days.

What information should be included on the Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form?

  1. Demographics
  2. Residence at diagnosis
  3. Facility at diagnosis
  4. Personal history
  5. Lab tests
  6. Clinical status
  7. Medical treatment
  8. Testing and treatment history

Where can I get copies of the Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form?

Contact your local reporting authority.

How do I report non-acute HIV or AIDS cases among children ages 12 or younger?

Submit a completed Texas Pediatric HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form (DSHS 13-13675) to your local reporting authority within seven calendar days.

How do I report an infant that may have been perinatally exposed to HIV?

Submit a completed Texas Pediatric HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form (DSHS 13-13675) to your local reporting authority within seven calendar days.

Pediatric Case report forms should be completed for:

  1. Children born to an HIV infected mother (i.e. perinatally HIV exposed)
  2. Children with confirmed HIV infection
  3. Children that meet the pediatric AIDS case definition
  4. Children who have seroreverted (lost maternal antibodies)

Where can I get copies of the Texas Pediatric HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form?

Contact your local reporting authority.

Syphilis Reporting

How do I report primary and secondary syphilis cases?

Call your local reporting authority within one working day. In addition, submit a completed Confidential Report of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Form (STD-27) to your local reporting authority within seven calendar days.

How do I report non-primary and non-secondary syphilis cases?

Submit a completed Confidential Report of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Form (STD-27) to your local reporting authority within seven calendar days.

Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Chancroid Reporting

How do I report chlamydia, gonorrhea, and chancroid cases?

Submit a completed Confidential Report of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Form (STD-27) to your local reporting authority within seven calendar days.

Reporting Point of Care (Rapid) STD (including HIV) Test Results

How do health care providers report the results for point of care tests?

Point of care tests are analytic tests performed at or near the site of patient care outside of a laboratory setting. Since these tests are performed outside of a laboratory setting the health care provider reports the results.

Submit a completed Confidential Report of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Form (STD-27) to your local reporting authority within the required time frame for all reportable test results from point of care testing for STDs (including HIV).

HIV/STD Reporting for Laboratories

How do public health, hospital, commercial, and other laboratories report the results for each specimen that yields evidence of a suspected STD?

Submit a completed Notification of Reportable Laboratory Test Results for STDs, including HIV Form (STD-28) to your local reporting authority. For information on reporting laboratory results electronically contact the Texas TB/HIV/STD Electronic Laboratory Report Coordinator at HIVSTDReporting@dshs.texas.gov.

This report form should be completed for the following:

  1. Any specimen derived from a human body that yields microscopic, culture, serologic, or any other evidence of an STD (including HIV)
  2. All CD4 T-lymphocyte (CD4) results
  3. All HIV viral loads (both detectable and undetectable)
  4. Positive and negative HIV DNA or RNA virologic test results for infants up to three (3) years of age
  5. All supplemental tests for syphilis and HIV that result from an initial positive screening test, regardless of result (positive and negative)
  6. All HIV nucleotide sequences

Syphilis test results should be submitted within three (3) working days and all other reportable STD (including HIV) test results should be submitted within seven (7) calendar days.

Where can I get copies of the Notification of Reportable Laboratory Test Results for STDs, including HIV (DSHS Stock No. STD-28)?

Contact your local reporting authority.

HIV/STD Reporting by Insurance Companies

Insurance companies can use the Notification of Positive HIV Status form to report a positive HIV test. The purpose of this form is for insurance companies to report a positive HIV test for public health follow up by DSHS. Additionally, a processing fee of $25.00 must be paid to the DSHS fiscal department for this service.

Hepatitis C Reporting

Report Hepatitis C (acute) within one week to 800-705-8868.

Helpful Links Regarding HIV and STD Reporting

DSHS List of Notifiable Conditions