Medical Monitoring Project (MMP)

The Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) is a surveillance system. Its purpose is to learn more about the experiences and needs of people who are living with HIV. It receives support from several government agencies, state and local health departments, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

MMP collects local and national data that is representative of people living with HIV. This behavioral and medical record data helps answer the following questions:

  • How many people living with HIV are getting care for HIV?
  • How easy is it to access care and use prevention and support services?
  • What are the met and unmet needs of people living with HIV?
  • How is treatment affecting people living with HIV?

In 2015 MMP grew to improve data usefulness.  It now includes people living with HIV who are not receiving medical care. This information guides policy and funding decisions aimed at increasing engagement in care. It also improves the quality of care for people living with HIV throughout Texas and the U.S.

Texas MMP Consent Forms

Texas MMP Response Cards

2024 MMP Questionnaire

MMP Presentations

MMP Papers

MMP Fact Sheets

American Public Health Association Round Table Presentation on Stigma

CDC MMP Reports

Other MMP Resources

For more questions about the Texas MMP project contact the program.